Come on.
No one checks their student email.
I mean, really.
Let's just be honest.
I got fucked over with the parking situation at school Monday.
And I got pissed all the way off.
So I left.
Didn't go to class at all.
Just extended my spring break one more day.
So I skipped all my classes and my mom bought me a new shirt, some shoes, and some underwear.
She also bought me a pedicure. A much needed one.
I accidentally fucked up the paint of one of my toes.
My aunt CynD bought me dinner and gave me $100.
My aunt Denise gave me free drinks at her house.
I pissed the night away with shots of tequila and beer.
I also bare ass mooned my aunt and my cousin, Kendal.
I tried to vomit but I could not so I just went to sleep instead.
I don't much like drinking but it was a good Monday.
I feel like trash today.
I had a good lunch at Grafiti's with Kendal.
I'm going to have dinner at my grandparents' house with my family.
I'm glad I get to see my grandfather.
He is very likely my favorite person in the world.
I have to color my hair brown tonight for a job interview on Thursday.
I'm sad.
I am going to miss my purple hair.
But I have to grow up.
Those fuckers.
Film quiz tomorrow.
I'm going to start writing.
No one checks their student email.
I mean, really.
Let's just be honest.
I got fucked over with the parking situation at school Monday.
And I got pissed all the way off.
So I left.
Didn't go to class at all.
Just extended my spring break one more day.
So I skipped all my classes and my mom bought me a new shirt, some shoes, and some underwear.
She also bought me a pedicure. A much needed one.
I accidentally fucked up the paint of one of my toes.
My aunt CynD bought me dinner and gave me $100.
My aunt Denise gave me free drinks at her house.
I pissed the night away with shots of tequila and beer.
I also bare ass mooned my aunt and my cousin, Kendal.
I tried to vomit but I could not so I just went to sleep instead.
I don't much like drinking but it was a good Monday.
I feel like trash today.
I had a good lunch at Grafiti's with Kendal.
I'm going to have dinner at my grandparents' house with my family.
I'm glad I get to see my grandfather.
He is very likely my favorite person in the world.
I have to color my hair brown tonight for a job interview on Thursday.
I'm sad.
I am going to miss my purple hair.
But I have to grow up.
Those fuckers.
Film quiz tomorrow.
I'm going to start writing.
I like the purple.