I had 3 of the hottest tacos today. Just down the street from the desert outlet malls at the Crazy Coyote, mmm those are the CABAZON FIRE ON in the world here. belive i ordered 5.i eat stuff like Thai X5 hotness star peper what and it just makes my nose run i mean these friends at the COYOTE made tacos that had my eyes tearing bad and head sweating like the DEVIL HIMSELF .if you ever are capricurious try them take a ZANTAC150 0r 2. an hour or so before you hit the 10 east if you coming south around the bakers sign at bulmon these shell out Fireity!!
other random stuff back to the DECS for '08 and other crusty news yEWS to finish A'nuayj CD.hela sick hollidays apeared in shamtown around the 12th of decomber and was
for until 8th of janon the drive back stayed at soma district in a sf downtown suit for a week and ordered thai beef basil every night god i go back? than got back home to find a letter from the courts saying i was in noncommunication with the PP representingf i and a warrant would be issued FUCK!ME! pay you for it these systems love it that way.but i can't all vent i picked up some crazy new battle records from 360 v. on cooch in chinos while in portland .
and my little baby turned 1 years old how sweet :kisst:
other random stuff back to the DECS for '08 and other crusty news yEWS to finish A'nuayj CD.hela sick hollidays apeared in shamtown around the 12th of decomber and was

and my little baby turned 1 years old how sweet :kisst: