next month is my subscription end to SUICIDE GIRLS WoW HoW i lovt tit! Aheh.heh Today i was peeing in my pool when my wife said i made creepy eye contact with her as she held our 2 and a half year olds hand in the yard by the fence as they wiipeed . thats odd. of all the dark nets a man could lurk...
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I had 3 of the hottest tacos today. Just down the street from the desert outlet malls at the Crazy Coyote, mmm those are the CABAZON FIRE ON in the world here. belive i ordered 5.i eat stuff like Thai X5 hotness star peper what and it just makes my nose run i mean these friends at the COYOTE made tacos that had my eyes...
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I've really neglected the spot in palm springs this last week and i'm still gunnabe in house playin' GENJI till the 14th i'm really advancing my characters in that game.I can't wait to beat it then move on to heavenly sword.
Thanks for the comment on my "Felt" set!

tonite I'm SPending
first nite in my new place .palm springs is very
muggie and people are very friendly but when your
sweat is beading off your nose and brows while you ID and list down
records itS kinda gross. so I go home on Thursday morning.back to the spot at home.for rai's dr.appt.
returning Tuesday.
first nite in my new place .palm springs is very
muggie and people are very friendly but when your
sweat is beading off your nose and brows while you ID and list down
records itS kinda gross. so I go home on Thursday morning.back to the spot at home.for rai's dr.appt.
returning Tuesday.
no, San Diego!! 

Good luck on the tattoo and with your new place .
I havent got the tatttoo, because of my leg
Hope your doing ok. Take care
I havent got the tatttoo, because of my leg

Hope your doing ok. Take care
Time to give praises to the almightee,
working all 3on a new cd,
next sets to be retro.
working all 3on a new cd,
next sets to be retro.

am i drinking 0E WOODBRIDGE STYLE?H NO? 40, guess i better butta up dee taybuhz feh sam par`z illTyn /\/\] [ )( more meaningless stuff i don't do when im not looking. ew,woodbridge.
what the hell i guess i need to return to the DUCK MARSHES of OREGON again to fight the 1990s hood rats posing as homemaking beavers, ahhh fur trap checkin' like in cintennial .only I.
you know, i did see her last summer at a festival... but that's the only time. i was slated to see her at a smaller venue sometime... i think last fall, but did not end up making it out. she was a lot of fun the one time i did see her. she's so tiny. 

could it be the best trip to oregn in years i dstributed played and recived paper, all in oregon and in a few days now ineed to get back to san diego. contracts and contacts up for the boards.
I can't believe that you would leave this comment after what almost happen while we were in Oregon?! You know it really brakes my heart that you put the best trip to Oregon in years when it should have been the trip to Oregon that you fucked up!
Your hurt wife.
Your hurt wife.
yEs the dungle room is finally cominj' together


wowwie ,i finally got this shit done it took all nite to do'it so now im gouin'ta bedd.
gott morgun 'till i wake agyen.
gott morgun 'till i wake agyen.