I just noticed i haven't update my page in a while now. I had just many things that kept me busy and didnt give me much time to come around here. Actually, i had the time but i just didn't know what to write because the only things i do recently is to work and to hang out with friends because thats what i need right now.
Now that i'm all settled here, i can now experience life in Montreal like i did before i left and let me tell you, it's much interesting here than the time i lived in Quebec city. I started to meet great new people (with my flatmates around, this was just innevitable). On the other side, i threw myself in the same old pattern i used to be... drugs. gh, speed, ecstasy all the way... my flatmates (yeah again... they really are the demons of my life right now) are abusing of these substances so this is another thing that was innevitable i guess. I'm glad to know i'm not addicted and im not taking it because i can't tolerate the world i live in anymore but i forgot how this make a party with friends just a bit more exciting.
Tomorrow is my special day, the day i'll realise that i'll get older than the age of the average people to have a baby. Is that mean i'm officialy against humanity? I haven't anything planned yet but i'm sure i'll find myself with some friends and i'll be having so many drinks and wine to forgot it will be my birthday.
Now that i'm all settled here, i can now experience life in Montreal like i did before i left and let me tell you, it's much interesting here than the time i lived in Quebec city. I started to meet great new people (with my flatmates around, this was just innevitable). On the other side, i threw myself in the same old pattern i used to be... drugs. gh, speed, ecstasy all the way... my flatmates (yeah again... they really are the demons of my life right now) are abusing of these substances so this is another thing that was innevitable i guess. I'm glad to know i'm not addicted and im not taking it because i can't tolerate the world i live in anymore but i forgot how this make a party with friends just a bit more exciting.
Tomorrow is my special day, the day i'll realise that i'll get older than the age of the average people to have a baby. Is that mean i'm officialy against humanity? I haven't anything planned yet but i'm sure i'll find myself with some friends and i'll be having so many drinks and wine to forgot it will be my birthday.
how are you?
just lucky i guess.