It snowed a teensy bit today!!!!!
Now it needs to do it again, and not stop for a few days.
I want to be able to tunnel.
Like a ferret.
I miss my ferrets!!!!!!
They live with mum.
So does Gno.
So my youngest sis was running in a dark room (why, I do not know) and ran into the corner of a table. She complained about her stomach hurting for a day or two, them mum took her to the doc, who sent her for a CT scan. So apparently she has brusing that could be compaired to that of someone who had been in a car accident.
This is the same girl who broke her foot, then refused to use the crutches, and ended up breaking it several more times.
She went through a habit of breaking her arms too.
That same year my mum broke her tailbone and had something happen to an ankle so that she had to wear this whole leg cast thingy. I called it her "go, go gadget leg".
I remember going to see a movie with the family while mum had to wear this thing. My stripper sis and I had the tickets and we were walking to the theater doors looking back at mum who was struggeling to keep up, and while holding her ticket just out of her reach we would tease her saying " come on little mommy! You can do it! Good little mommy!"
We're mean.
Now it needs to do it again, and not stop for a few days.
I want to be able to tunnel.
Like a ferret.
I miss my ferrets!!!!!!
They live with mum.
So does Gno.

So my youngest sis was running in a dark room (why, I do not know) and ran into the corner of a table. She complained about her stomach hurting for a day or two, them mum took her to the doc, who sent her for a CT scan. So apparently she has brusing that could be compaired to that of someone who had been in a car accident.
This is the same girl who broke her foot, then refused to use the crutches, and ended up breaking it several more times.
She went through a habit of breaking her arms too.
That same year my mum broke her tailbone and had something happen to an ankle so that she had to wear this whole leg cast thingy. I called it her "go, go gadget leg".
I remember going to see a movie with the family while mum had to wear this thing. My stripper sis and I had the tickets and we were walking to the theater doors looking back at mum who was struggeling to keep up, and while holding her ticket just out of her reach we would tease her saying " come on little mommy! You can do it! Good little mommy!"

We're mean.

still keeping the sobriety going? heh.
Hey, I got your message last night...I didn't go either...
Would you maybe be up for going to Goth night at Godfrey's tomorrow??? My awesome friend Tori from work wants to go too. Let me know!