this sucks! it really really really really sucks!!! Friend isn't the same person I knew! She seems really depressed and her b/f is an ape! Well, at least he looks like one anyway.
So tonight I drove around the city. Just seemed like a nice night for a drive. Didn't feel like being social. Kinda bummed about my friend. I'm worried about her. Maybe tomarrow I can get her alone and talk to her.
I also found out today that the place I'm living in is going to be put up for sale. Looks like I'm moving AGAIN!
I hope that tomarrow is a better day.
At least today I made some new clothes!
Making stuff makes me happy! I spent all day in front of the sewing machine. It was nice. I think I shall wear some of my creations tomarrow. That way even if the day sucks, I'll have something not sucky on!
So tonight I drove around the city. Just seemed like a nice night for a drive. Didn't feel like being social. Kinda bummed about my friend. I'm worried about her. Maybe tomarrow I can get her alone and talk to her.
I also found out today that the place I'm living in is going to be put up for sale. Looks like I'm moving AGAIN!

I hope that tomarrow is a better day.
At least today I made some new clothes!

moving sucks giant monkey balls. but i might have to move somewhere cheaper soon, otherwise i'll be moving into a refridgerator box.
Ew, I hate moving. Poor you.