Look at me! I am updating!
I don't have to work tomorrow because it is Columbus day and all the banks are closed! Thank you Christopher Columbus!
I only have one class tomorrow to and I don't know what I am going to do with myself the rest of the day.
This week is initiation week for the sorority, So we have fun stuff all week and I will be even more busy than I already am. woo! I am so excited.
I must say I am quite upset about this war on porn business.
CSU won the homecoming game! At the very last minute Utah was at 1st and 1 yd. then we blocked them 4 times defending our lead...it was so intense. .
Dear Keith, I <3 you. We need to hang out sometime, maybe when you leave Boulder you hippie. Love, Sarah.
It is supposed to snow tonight, I'm not sure how I feel about that yet, all I know it is hot chocolate weather now! Hurrah!
I don't really have anything else to say.
I don't have to work tomorrow because it is Columbus day and all the banks are closed! Thank you Christopher Columbus!
I only have one class tomorrow to and I don't know what I am going to do with myself the rest of the day.
This week is initiation week for the sorority, So we have fun stuff all week and I will be even more busy than I already am. woo! I am so excited.
I must say I am quite upset about this war on porn business.
CSU won the homecoming game! At the very last minute Utah was at 1st and 1 yd. then we blocked them 4 times defending our lead...it was so intense. .
Dear Keith, I <3 you. We need to hang out sometime, maybe when you leave Boulder you hippie. Love, Sarah.
It is supposed to snow tonight, I'm not sure how I feel about that yet, all I know it is hot chocolate weather now! Hurrah!
I don't really have anything else to say.

you guessed it.