my hawt car is runniing awesome! yaaay!
BLAH its HOT out
So many people on my "friends" list have dropped outta SG... This Sux
So many people on my "friends" list have dropped outta SG... This Sux
My car is a 94 Mercury Sable. LoL, its HOT. My girlfriend had a look at it and tells me that it'll be super easy to do the wires. How's your car?
Losing pets is awful. My brother and I put down our 16 year old dog (Muffin) down a year and a half ago... it was hard. I think what's making this situation harder for me is that Emmy is only six years old - it doesn't seem fair.
My girlfriend is amazing with cars. She took shop all thru school and still tinkers with her own vehicles. Thank goodness for her, because I'm freaking helpless with cars. Which is funny, because my mom is a car buff as well.
My girlfriend is amazing with cars. She took shop all thru school and still tinkers with her own vehicles. Thank goodness for her, because I'm freaking helpless with cars. Which is funny, because my mom is a car buff as well.
damn somebody sent this link to me, I've watched it thru dozens of times over and over... verry well done movie splicing...
first of a set of 3
I've always been a fan of darkhorse comics but never got into Terminator/Robocop series... too bad
first of a set of 3
I've always been a fan of darkhorse comics but never got into Terminator/Robocop series... too bad
I have a terrible time hearing the actual lyrics of songs; "Foot Foot" came from my misinterpretation of James Brown's "Get on the Good Foot." Here's a good site for misheard lyrics, I imagine it settles a lot of bets Am I Right?
How goes the choco milk addiction?
Hello, my name is Ken and I am addicted to chocolate milk.
Lol I rarely drink the stuff but sunday I picked up some at a gas station and now I can't get enough.
last few days I'd wake up and need my choco milk fix first thing.
Lol I rarely drink the stuff but sunday I picked up some at a gas station and now I can't get enough.
last few days I'd wake up and need my choco milk fix first thing.
OMG, those pics were so freaking awesome. Do you think ObiShawn's R2D2 head gets stolen like, all the time?
i hope your chocolate milk issues are resolved.
thank you for your message. my neice is doing as well as can be hoped for. it seems surreal that something like that could happen to one so small. she said, before the operation when the surgeon was visiting "you can keep talking about my brain if you want to, but i am gong to the playroom". that is perspective.
thank you for your message. my neice is doing as well as can be hoped for. it seems surreal that something like that could happen to one so small. she said, before the operation when the surgeon was visiting "you can keep talking about my brain if you want to, but i am gong to the playroom". that is perspective.
after all the the controversy and the hard times these 2 have gone thru
you gotta admit.. these boys can bust a move!
you gotta admit.. these boys can bust a move!
You have a knack for making me giggle retardedly. Spitting milk outta my nose-funny....
Yah, you totally have to post more.
Yah, you totally have to post more.
Wow.. last entry was in december... I suck.. sorry
OK. new blog entry, I'll have to backtrack to july/august when I was "hanging out" with this one girl. We never went on official dates or anything just hung out with friends and stuff...
anyways in conversations she dropped a WHOOOLE lotta hints about marriage and babies and living together and such... you know, stuff that...
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OK. new blog entry, I'll have to backtrack to july/august when I was "hanging out" with this one girl. We never went on official dates or anything just hung out with friends and stuff...
anyways in conversations she dropped a WHOOOLE lotta hints about marriage and babies and living together and such... you know, stuff that...
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Go Go Spidey Rangers! I especially liked the addition of the Japanese cowboy.... is there anything better? Is it just me or was the Spidey-Mobile slightly phallic?
I haven't checked your journal in so long.
That is a freaky ass story. Seriously, it is a little scary..... I hate it when people do the doorbell thing, it starts to drive you insane eventually, same with the phone i guess.
I had a boyfriend ring the doorbell for 2 hours before someone else came and told him to fuck off. My first thought was to check all the doors and lock them, which I am very happy to have thought of.
That is a freaky ass story. Seriously, it is a little scary..... I hate it when people do the doorbell thing, it starts to drive you insane eventually, same with the phone i guess.
I had a boyfriend ring the doorbell for 2 hours before someone else came and told him to fuck off. My first thought was to check all the doors and lock them, which I am very happy to have thought of.
Well.. I've been a bit busy last little while.
if you remember I said my car was on its way to breaking down? well it died totally.
Headgasket and Cylinder head were totalled. A job to repair something like that would be 2-3 thousand dollars. For me? I just picked up a repair manual and surfed the net to teach myself how to rebuild a...
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if you remember I said my car was on its way to breaking down? well it died totally.
Headgasket and Cylinder head were totalled. A job to repair something like that would be 2-3 thousand dollars. For me? I just picked up a repair manual and surfed the net to teach myself how to rebuild a...
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Happy New Years!
My friend is moving to Lethbridge tomorrow
Do you have any advice on where she can find a decent cheap car?
My friend is moving to Lethbridge tomorrow

I had a really cute waiter at Sumo

I've got a cold. Its been a long time since I've been sick like this. ouch* my nose is so red and hurts.
Time for more chicken noodle soup...
This suX

I've got a cold. Its been a long time since I've been sick like this. ouch* my nose is so red and hurts.
Time for more chicken noodle soup...
This suX
Merry christmas

I blew the headgasket on my car.
to put it into perspective its an $800-$1100 fix at a garage. pretty major work.
I can do this myself for $100 just have to invest my time, I've done it before. It will however tie up my ride for a little while.
or do I fast track my project car and put my car on the...
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I blew the headgasket on my car.

I can do this myself for $100 just have to invest my time, I've done it before. It will however tie up my ride for a little while.

or do I fast track my project car and put my car on the...
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Aw, that does suck. What is your project car? Where is that being, um, projected? And yes, it will be cold out there... it's -15'C-ish here brrrrrr. Good luck.
Thanks! It was actually a really shitty overcast cold day. The girl taking the photos kept making me take my coat off and stuff too it, it was brutal. They turned out nicely I think though so it was worth it

*Blink* *Blink*
There's life outside of Warcraft??
Feels like I've been playing Non-stop since I got that addictive game. It doesn't help that the first people I started to interact with and Quest together with are even crazier addicts than I am. I had to try harder to just keep up to them so I can keep the level of my character relatively close to...
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There's life outside of Warcraft??
Feels like I've been playing Non-stop since I got that addictive game. It doesn't help that the first people I started to interact with and Quest together with are even crazier addicts than I am. I had to try harder to just keep up to them so I can keep the level of my character relatively close to...
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the room behind me in that pic is purple. I love the green. Everyone that has come over has told me they think it's great. I should finish painting the rest of the place now. I want to find a nice aqua blue I think.
Good luck with your car. You'll look slick
Good luck with your car. You'll look slick
I got a Wii, I will never leave home again!
Can't talk.
I just got World of Warcraft.
Can't talk.
Warcraft awaits.
farewell world, my Nightelf awaits.
I just got World of Warcraft.
Can't talk.
Warcraft awaits.
farewell world, my Nightelf awaits.
Are you still alive? Or has WoW devoured your soul?
lol. Thanks for the YouTube clip. Zombies rawk.

I'm here to serve with my aws and ews.