im packing for my trip to NOLA... its finally time to go! sux i will be traveling on the day of my birthday though.. BIG 26.. im an official old lady 
so.. i was talkn with my brand new sg boy buddy (lol) the other day.. we got to chattn about my blog (or lack of one) and so the topic of my play buddy came up.. he thinks that just because i see him quite often during the week, it must be more than just sex?! i must "like him". hmmm. its good ass! period. no???? i dunno. when i think of Soraya's dream man, i DEFINITELY dont picture him... he is attractive by all means, and very intellegent, but still, he's not my "style"..
but then again.. can you fall for someone so unexpected?? a man is a man is a man. differnt haircut maybe, but they are all the same shit.. ohh ohh the feminist came out.. but i wont take that comment back because i really mean it. lol.
he and i have so much drama, and we arent even dating! he wouldnt spend vday with me (i know.. lame), BUT he bought me a REALLY expensive gift.. something i really wanted too which is awesome..
okay i have to go finish packing so i can go out for more birthday celebrating.. no shots tonite.. still hung over from yesterday.. i will post birthday pictures when i come back from my trip..
ANOTHER thought.. since i'm already here..
so last nite i went to nyc with 2 friends and my brother.. where the fuck are all the girls?????
not that i was looking for one, but other than liz and i, it was a total sausage fest at every bar!!!!
no blondes for my poor lil brother! i've noticed that a lot of places are like that... dont chicks party anymore?/ ahhh well more for me!
hAppy birthdAy to ME!!!!!!!!!!

so.. i was talkn with my brand new sg boy buddy (lol) the other day.. we got to chattn about my blog (or lack of one) and so the topic of my play buddy came up.. he thinks that just because i see him quite often during the week, it must be more than just sex?! i must "like him". hmmm. its good ass! period. no???? i dunno. when i think of Soraya's dream man, i DEFINITELY dont picture him... he is attractive by all means, and very intellegent, but still, he's not my "style"..
but then again.. can you fall for someone so unexpected?? a man is a man is a man. differnt haircut maybe, but they are all the same shit.. ohh ohh the feminist came out.. but i wont take that comment back because i really mean it. lol.
he and i have so much drama, and we arent even dating! he wouldnt spend vday with me (i know.. lame), BUT he bought me a REALLY expensive gift.. something i really wanted too which is awesome..
okay i have to go finish packing so i can go out for more birthday celebrating.. no shots tonite.. still hung over from yesterday.. i will post birthday pictures when i come back from my trip..
ANOTHER thought.. since i'm already here..
so last nite i went to nyc with 2 friends and my brother.. where the fuck are all the girls?????
not that i was looking for one, but other than liz and i, it was a total sausage fest at every bar!!!!
no blondes for my poor lil brother! i've noticed that a lot of places are like that... dont chicks party anymore?/ ahhh well more for me!
hAppy birthdAy to ME!!!!!!!!!!
i met a ton of people from the bay area..
Can't wait to hear all your stories!! Talk to you soon.