im packing for my trip to NOLA... its finally time to go! sux i will be traveling on the day of my birthday though.. BIG 26.. im an official old lady 
so.. i was talkn with my brand new sg boy buddy (lol) the other day.. we got to chattn about my blog (or lack of one) and so the topic of my play buddy...
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so.. i was talkn with my brand new sg boy buddy (lol) the other day.. we got to chattn about my blog (or lack of one) and so the topic of my play buddy...
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i met a ton of people from the bay area..
Can't wait to hear all your stories!! Talk to you soon.
esta maana POR FIN.. me dio unos mimitos! he triumfado! jejejejeje.. bueno lo de lesbiana iba de coa..
se lo comente el otro dia y no dijo nada.. cambio de conversacion..
pero esta maana bueno ya sabeis como va el cuento.. me tenia tan agarrada y cerca que los latidos de su corazon eran mios.. se quedo dormido con la cara en mi melena riza.....
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se lo comente el otro dia y no dijo nada.. cambio de conversacion..
pero esta maana bueno ya sabeis como va el cuento.. me tenia tan agarrada y cerca que los latidos de su corazon eran mios.. se quedo dormido con la cara en mi melena riza.....
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no cuddles?? is that bad?..
so i'm sleeping with afriend.. he isn't my type, i'm not his, we would never seriously date, we don't even get along, but we are both single and horny AND the sex is pretty hot.. so away we bang..
thing is.. he doesn't cuddle me after sex. he just rolls over and goes to sleep. yuck. it's silly i know,...
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so i'm sleeping with afriend.. he isn't my type, i'm not his, we would never seriously date, we don't even get along, but we are both single and horny AND the sex is pretty hot.. so away we bang..
thing is.. he doesn't cuddle me after sex. he just rolls over and goes to sleep. yuck. it's silly i know,...
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not all guys are like that...

estoy de acuerdo con el junkie, gilipollas los hay siempre y en todos sitios, pero no creo que hacerte lesbiana sea la solucin.

11-24-07 at Starland NJ
neW jerseY LETS START A RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!! ahh man finally!!!!! 3 days grace and breaking benjamin has come and gone.. what a kick-ass show! <<pics in my folder!!>>
so this is my first blog.. what to say, what to say?? yesterday i was in nyc, ended up gettin' my earlobes stretched.. totally siked! but who said it wouldnt hurt?! f***n liars. my ears feel like they are going to fall off! mind you its only a 10 gauge. they look pretty sweet though, can't wait to get them bigger! check out my baby...
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love your beautiful look, and those glasses really make you sexy!
this is me...