halloween weekend in the city---ooooooooooow! like many of you i have spent the last couple of days marauding across san francisco, sporting various last minute costumes, singin' me shanty at the top of me lungs to any passersby sober or naive enough to take notice of me. sweet, sweet halloween weekend...and to think, it's only sunday. i am having vague memories of vernie and i at age twenty, climbing the light posts in the castro, watching the herds of cattle pass through the narrow lanes down below. i would like to believe that we have somehow turned into adults since then, but lets face it, this is a holiday that thrives on retrogression. at least this year we'll be able to walk home at the end of the evening instead of trying to finagle a ride back to the east bay from a truckload of rodeo cowboys after missing the last bart train.
thats a lot of fucking syllables
happy halloween
stay retrogressive