so all of a sudden I went from no job for the last 5 months or so, to 2 jobs in the span of a week. Both jobs are most like ly part time, one is cooking at this restaraunt 2-3 nights a week, probably closing and the other is being a waiter for functions. The waiter job will work out well because I get to pick when I want to work, after my 3 training shifts. SO after a long absence I'm going to be thrust back into the working world again, which for some reason I am kinda excited about, I need the interation with people outside my apartment and circle of freinds.
So today is my last day of unemployment, tomorrow I start job 1, wednesday job 2. I'll have to wait and see how this goes.
So today is my last day of unemployment, tomorrow I start job 1, wednesday job 2. I'll have to wait and see how this goes.
I've now worked both jobs, my feet hurt, lots of standing up for long periods of time.