back from my weekend in the other portland, dinner with Strawbettie, friday evening, hung out a bit with her til she had to go to bed to get up for work, went to the club to meet my friend steve, started drinking, caught a few songs of Babbaloo, and kept drinking listening, went back to steves, woke up late saturday, went and saw 8 mile, not bad, good battle rhyme parts, saturday night, hit a bunch of bars in portland, sunday didn't do too much, ran a few errands, watched tv, what a weird Sopranos.
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 20, 2010
back again, thanks anonymous stranger -
Thursday Nov 01, 2007
I'm still no good about keeping this thing currrent, nothing new to r… -
Sunday Aug 19, 2007
I've been gone from here for almost a year, but I decided it was time… -
Friday Aug 17, 2007
guess who's back? -
Wednesday Sep 20, 2006
peace find me -
Tuesday May 30, 2006
inspired by Bailey's here's my summer t-do list *tattoos *photosh… -
Tuesday May 23, 2006
this is my update -
Tuesday May 16, 2006
So I was at work tonight and I saw something I haven't seen in a long… -
Friday Apr 28, 2006
holy shit, I'm away from my computer for a little bit and shit has hi…
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