nothing too exciting to report about the b-day party. I think the cold weather and lack of a keg kept people away, low turn out but it was fun anyway
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
Today is truly a sad day. They started tearing down Manray. It looks … -
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
too many freaks, not enough circuses. -
Wednesday Sep 14, 2005
I never really update this thing very much, usually when I do I don't… -
Wednesday Aug 31, 2005
I got my new computer today, I'm so very happy. It's a 14" ibook. -
Thursday Aug 18, 2005
Back home and damn it feels good to be back. -
Saturday Jun 11, 2005
4 more days until I leave for tour again. Not that I post alot anyway… -
Saturday Jun 04, 2005
I have officially graduated, in 12 days I leave to work on Warped Tou… -
Thursday May 26, 2005
I have my new website up keith ward photography let's see I'm gra… -
Saturday May 07, 2005
For those who didn't see it in the hopefuls group check out the Kwizz… -
Saturday Apr 30, 2005
sushi tonight, should be fun