Ya know ... I think I can get some pretty good thoughts when I apply myself to them, but still, I can get myself to writing, and suddenly I'm going on and on, making a bigger deal out of something then it really is. I probably do this in real life as well. I wish I could just communicate telepathically or some shit, so that I wouldn't do these things.
Bigger deal than it really is or not, there's a little part of me that is still ... afraid, I guess, though I certainly won't let it override my better judgement ... to go see M this weekend and do the movie thing (different one than I mentioned before, but still), because now I'm almost expecting it to come. What's she going to get all pissed about THIS time? Maybe I'll ask her if she saw some cat on the side of the road. Yeah, probably something like that. But wait, I'll have to ask her a couple different times, like maybe if she saw what it was DOING.
Eh... I don't want to ramble again today, so I'll just leave this post at that.
Bigger deal than it really is or not, there's a little part of me that is still ... afraid, I guess, though I certainly won't let it override my better judgement ... to go see M this weekend and do the movie thing (different one than I mentioned before, but still), because now I'm almost expecting it to come. What's she going to get all pissed about THIS time? Maybe I'll ask her if she saw some cat on the side of the road. Yeah, probably something like that. But wait, I'll have to ask her a couple different times, like maybe if she saw what it was DOING.
Eh... I don't want to ramble again today, so I'll just leave this post at that.