So my grandpa recently moved into a seniors home. And when I went to visit him, he had a bunch of stuff for me for my house. Tools, some nice crystal glass, and a box of comic books. Seeing how old the top few books were, my mind couldn't help but think "I wonder if there's a first appearance of Batman or Superman" in this
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The Big Lebowski


Haven't seen all of Pulp Fiction

Reservoir Dogs


A Clockwork Orange

Taxi Driver

Requiem for a Dream

2001: A Space Odyssey

Haven't seen all of Scarface

Blade Runner

just to name a few.....


So I'm doing my very first @bloghomework assignment with a big thanks to @missy and @rambo, and the question is "what skill would I like to acquire?"

I wish I'd put more effort into playing music. I played the clarinet all through high school (interesting choice in instrument) and I enjoyed it, but never did more than I had to for school.

My sister played...
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I think this is a great choice! I started playing the violin in the 6th grade and wish I was a virtuoso. :)
Music isn't something that you can only be good at if you start as a child. You absolutely CAN learn an instrument and be good at it! Time is going to pass no matter what, so you can spend it learning to play, or you can spend it not learning to play.