So my grandpa recently moved into a seniors home. And when I went to visit him, he had a bunch of stuff for me for my house. Tools, some nice crystal glass, and a box of comic books. Seeing how old the top few books were, my mind couldn't help but think "I wonder if there's a first appearance of Batman or Superman" in this
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The Big Lebowski
Haven't seen all of Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
A Clockwork Orange
Taxi Driver
Requiem for a Dream
2001: A Space Odyssey
Haven't seen all of Scarface
Blade Runner
just to name a few.....
I never want the attention, but would it be too much to ask to be looked at from time to time?
So I'm doing my very first @bloghomework assignment with a big thanks to @missy and @rambo, and the question is "what skill would I like to acquire?"
I wish I'd put more effort into playing music. I played the clarinet all through high school (interesting choice in instrument) and I enjoyed it, but never did more than I had to for school.
My sister played...
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