So as of yesterday I and my Co workers in my equipment dealership have been put on notice that we will be jobless as of the 8th. Due to corporate political bullshit. I've spent almost ten years building a life and contacts though my job. Now that is all washed away. We were given a choice yesterday and it was shitty one. Either quit and receive nothing or work the next two weeks knowing full well that we can't change our fate. Just to get our benefits that we have earned for our time vested into the company. So this is just about the lowest I've been since joining SG. On top of that one of few people that I love with all of my heart has chosen to not be supportive and actively ignore me. I wish I was born in a different time, this world is not meant for someone like me any more. No one truly cares about anyone anymore, just what they can do for them. There is no more honor or just honesty in people's lives today.