Hello Everybody,
I figured it's time for my yearly blog. I'm just not much of a writer, plus I know no one reads my blogs anyways. Not much has happen since my last one. My road trip from Portland to Vegas went pretty smoothly, except when I got back I was so worn out and had a throbbing headache I had to bail on my friend's show/birthday party. I went to visit my great aunt and uncle for their 60th wedding anniversary in IL in July. It was a good time, I haven't seen them since my mom's funeral. I hope to go visit them again soon. They are both such fun to be around, even for their age. Finished paying off my truck so now I own it free and clear. I was hoping to pay of some debt and adding some more ink with the extra money from not having a truck note, but I had to move recently, so that plan is out the window. My new place is turning out pretty nicely, but I've only been here for a week. The weather out here seems be bi-polar, warm one day and the cold the next. It seems to have made me sick again. I don't ever remember getting sick so many times in one year. I hope it doesn't last long. Otherwise nothing has really happened, I'm going to try to see about posting more often. Well, see if anyone actually starts to read them.
Good Bye Everybody.
P.S. Since I have moved to a new place I'm going to be throwing a party to break it in properly. So if you are in Vegas on March 23rd stop by and say hello. It's going to be at 5055 Lindell Road Apt # 1048. For those that don't know Vegas well, it's west of the Strip just south of Tropicana Avenue.
I figured it's time for my yearly blog. I'm just not much of a writer, plus I know no one reads my blogs anyways. Not much has happen since my last one. My road trip from Portland to Vegas went pretty smoothly, except when I got back I was so worn out and had a throbbing headache I had to bail on my friend's show/birthday party. I went to visit my great aunt and uncle for their 60th wedding anniversary in IL in July. It was a good time, I haven't seen them since my mom's funeral. I hope to go visit them again soon. They are both such fun to be around, even for their age. Finished paying off my truck so now I own it free and clear. I was hoping to pay of some debt and adding some more ink with the extra money from not having a truck note, but I had to move recently, so that plan is out the window. My new place is turning out pretty nicely, but I've only been here for a week. The weather out here seems be bi-polar, warm one day and the cold the next. It seems to have made me sick again. I don't ever remember getting sick so many times in one year. I hope it doesn't last long. Otherwise nothing has really happened, I'm going to try to see about posting more often. Well, see if anyone actually starts to read them.
Good Bye Everybody.
P.S. Since I have moved to a new place I'm going to be throwing a party to break it in properly. So if you are in Vegas on March 23rd stop by and say hello. It's going to be at 5055 Lindell Road Apt # 1048. For those that don't know Vegas well, it's west of the Strip just south of Tropicana Avenue.
I'm sure they won't since this has been going on for quite some time and nothing has gotten better, only worse.
The trip was 98% stress in itself. I would have done better to stay at home.