...and appreciate what the incredibly beautiful women on this site have to offer us. With that said I wish SuicideGirls had a more easily managed user interface for us on my phone. :( Unfortunately my phone, a Galaxy S4 Zoom, doesn't load properly for whatever reason and my fat thumbs have a tendency to press the wrong on screen buttons (which yes, that's operator issues...
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So I made a horrible trade. I got rid of my PS4 for a supposed gaming computer. While the computer is top notch, for the most part, it is lacking a decent power supply so when I try to play any graphic intense games, that I'd like to stream on my twitch, it randomly shuts down and restarts. Well at least for now I can...
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I really need to get on here more often. I love this site but I feel like it's interface is somewhat awkward on my phone. Seems like there's always an endless amount of blogs and group posts for me to read when I need to kill time. Loving the membership. Thanks SG.
Shit week. Did get my old job back, it's money. Still hoping wife and I can work things out but it's not looking too good honestly. I miss the old days. Love seeing this site though.
Yay for getting your old job back!
Thanks Adrastea.
I kept putting it off and putting it off but I finally beat God of War III for myself. I've watched it beat before but this is the first time I've done it myself. Bad ass game. Story was fucking incredible. 
I hope everyone has a safe and happy transition into the New Year.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy transition into the New Year.
wow i love the sg logo ......................... i hope see my profile pink very soon because I'm hopeful four years ago
Thanks Diixia.