I just got back from October fest with a bunch of Germans freaking awesome. when I was walking in the gate a woman came up to me and asked me, "I wanna fuck...would you fuck me?" no shit I hadn't even had my id checked and some woman is already asking me for sex? Well she was very attractive but I felt molested in a...
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it was alright didn't do much at all i went to the renesiance fair with josh and parents and you how was yours?
What's comming? Well, right now, it's me.
Tee hee
I'm back at the start of the symester and need a bit of a jump start I had great motivation at the start and now seemingly enough it's lost somewhere it's like when you loose your keys to your car, its frustrating yes but only temporary. The reason loosing your keys to your car is so frustrating it because it keeps you from going anywhere...
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I have lots of ideas, I should tell them to you.Thanks for your love on my set doll it means the world
No prob your uber beautiful as allways
I finally got my pictures from vegas! it wasn't nearly as spectacular as everybody makes it seems. I couldn't believe how incredibly expensive it was however understandable, for the up keep alone must cost a fortune. Also I have pictures of my new piercing I'm stoked about it and soon I'll be getting some ink. I may even go for the sg boys I'll have...
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I'm sick as a dog today got sent home from work which is the first time that's every happened. Totally sucks.