just wasting time before work. ack. work. but seeing as how i spent money i don't have yesturday i'll have to actually show up today.
after browsing about yesturday i found no familiar faces around here. well, that one but i've only seen her like walking down the street. so i guess i'll just have to buy all my friends accounts now. damn. and i was hoping to keep it all to myself.
bored. bored. bored. tired. tired. tired.
hey, you know who i hate? gwen stefani and that new shit cd of hers. anyone here heard 'rich girl' yet? shit! i wonder if she's ever seen Fiddler on the Roof... that would be great. gwen stefani sitting in for a show on broadway. sweet.
smiles, everyone! you know i love you...
after browsing about yesturday i found no familiar faces around here. well, that one but i've only seen her like walking down the street. so i guess i'll just have to buy all my friends accounts now. damn. and i was hoping to keep it all to myself.
bored. bored. bored. tired. tired. tired.
hey, you know who i hate? gwen stefani and that new shit cd of hers. anyone here heard 'rich girl' yet? shit! i wonder if she's ever seen Fiddler on the Roof... that would be great. gwen stefani sitting in for a show on broadway. sweet.
smiles, everyone! you know i love you...
Hola Chica! Waz up neighbor!!!! Hella cool site huh.