If you were expecting to read an anecdote or something about my life, then this blog entry is a huge disappointment to you.
(sigh) I wish I were Hunter S. Thompson.
I think you could be better.
"See I got this soul, it's all fired up. This soul."
I've been listening to Interpol. And I will take you on.
I've been listening to Interpol. And I will take you on.
When I move in, I'm listening to Interpol and Interpol only. Then we'll see who takes on who.

Holy crap your band is adorable. Thanks for the fun filled conversation tonight. <3
My faith in proper English has been shaken. I've been reading a book about the evolution of language, and I have discovered that the progression of language lies within its decay. English is nothing more than the "decay" of some proto-indo-european language that began long, long ago. My problem is that I now don't know whether to correct people on improper usage of grammar or...
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Sadly. I did not know that fast once meant firmly in place. I am ashamed. But at least I don't use 'u' as a replacement for 'you' and if I ever do (have to love the rhyme) please kick me.
I don't know what to write. I fear that it will come out in poor form thus disappointing you further.
Hmm. Thank you for the comment, also. I find it odd that you challenge anyone who wouldn't find the idea of living with me fabulous.....
I don't know what to write. I fear that it will come out in poor form thus disappointing you further.
Hmm. Thank you for the comment, also. I find it odd that you challenge anyone who wouldn't find the idea of living with me fabulous.....

You are simply wonderful. Not to be mistaken with wonderfully simple. Because you are exceptionally and beautifully layered with complications. Or some shit.....
Also, now that I think about it, I guess I did know that fast means firmly in place. I'm just not as quick on my feet as usual. It's late for me. Well, not really, but I've very recently become accustomed to sleeping. Crazy right? Yeah.
Thank you for the sweet words. They make me feel all gushy inside. Or. Whatever.
I hope I can get my phone fixed up right quick, I would really enjoy actually talking to you.
Also, now that I think about it, I guess I did know that fast means firmly in place. I'm just not as quick on my feet as usual. It's late for me. Well, not really, but I've very recently become accustomed to sleeping. Crazy right? Yeah.
Thank you for the sweet words. They make me feel all gushy inside. Or. Whatever.
I hope I can get my phone fixed up right quick, I would really enjoy actually talking to you.
Several nights ago, I had a this dream where I was treading water in the middle of a lagoon. The sky was a crisp blue and quite reflected in the purity of the water. I, however, was struggling to keep my head up, and trying not to suck in the thick, warm, salty water. Then, about 15 feet in front of me, the pale, bloated...
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You are darling. I'm really glad I got to talk to you tonight. Thanks for the lovely dinner conversation. We should do so more often. I miss you. Or at least your presence in my life. <3
I wish you wrote more. Truly.
Music releases I'm excited about: Grinderman, Humanwine, etc.
I need a new job so I can dispense with the old one. It makes me feel like I'm doing very little, and isn't challenging me. I'm just a cog in the capitalistism machine, but I really want to be that monkey wrench. The cycle of work and weekend, staying in and going out, and stress(granted there...
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I need a new job so I can dispense with the old one. It makes me feel like I'm doing very little, and isn't challenging me. I'm just a cog in the capitalistism machine, but I really want to be that monkey wrench. The cycle of work and weekend, staying in and going out, and stress(granted there...
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"Turn up the radio, cuz it's my favorite song."
I need to do something new, some change, and hopefully something happier. I feel distant and lonely, but I have a plethora of distractions(some healthy, some...not so much) which relieve anxiety and possibly improve me as a person. I got a mandolin for my graduation present. It's a fender acoustic-electric, black, and it looks like a...
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I need to do something new, some change, and hopefully something happier. I feel distant and lonely, but I have a plethora of distractions(some healthy, some...not so much) which relieve anxiety and possibly improve me as a person. I got a mandolin for my graduation present. It's a fender acoustic-electric, black, and it looks like a...
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Funny, I always heard that lyric as "turn off the radio, 'cause it's my favorite song."
You hear what you want to hear, I suppose.
You hear what you want to hear, I suppose.
No, you've got the lyrics correct. I checked. But I think I like my interpretation better.
What do you write?
What do you write?
Finished that and now I have nothing to do except slave away under this capitalist eco0nomy to pay my loans and hope that one day I will be content with whatever work I do. Instead, I will toil away writing and drinking and reading and creating in hopes that something I do will be worth more than the effort I put into it, becasue...
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Finished that and now I have nothing to do except slave away under this capitalist eco0nomy to pay my loans and hope that one day I will be content with whatever work I do. Instead, I will toil away writing and drinking and reading and creating in hopes that something I do will be worth more than the effort I put into it, becasue...
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of equal rights looks kind of interesting, but i'm not sure i would be able to follow that very well, and it's rather expensive. oh well. i'm quite excited about un lun dun but it would be nice to have another bas-lag book.
thanks for the comment on my set!
yeah i'm trying to leave thank yous. it's a pain in the ass, i'm less than halfway through, but whatevs.
i haven't read lost girls yet but it's certainly on my list.
i haven't read lost girls yet but it's certainly on my list.
I started a new tattoo tonight and I'm so fuckin' excited!
...I like tattoos.

...I like tattoos.