Finished that and now I have nothing to do except slave away under this capitalist eco0nomy to pay my loans and hope that one day I will be content with whatever work I do. Instead, I will toil away writing and drinking and reading and creating in hopes that something I do will be worth more than the effort I put into it, becasue I am only one person. My creative energy has been waxing and waning like a bottle of whisky, but that stops now. I will not let anything control me.
Finished that and now I have nothing to do except slave away under this capitalist eco0nomy to pay my loans and hope that one day I will be content with whatever work I do. Instead, I will toil away writing and drinking and reading and creating in hopes that something I do will be worth more than the effort I put into it, becasue I am only one person. My creative energy has been waxing and waning like a bottle of whisky, but that stops now. I will not let anything control me.

of equal rights looks kind of interesting, but i'm not sure i would be able to follow that very well, and it's rather expensive. oh well. i'm quite excited about un lun dun but it would be nice to have another bas-lag book.