I can't find my can opener. Fuck, I'm going to starve. Work is slowly consuming my life, leaving little time (or at least not nearly enough) for the reading and writing of books. Everyone I know is leaving the country at some point this summer, and I don't even think I can afford to leave the city for more than a day or two. I like this city, but it's been so damn dreary and oppressive lately. And now some foul disease is taking up residence in the back of my throat making my head hurt and my nose run...ugh. I need to draw or paint soon, but I need sleep more. What I really want is a beer and some lovin, but I guess I'll settle for a beer.
More Blogs
Friday Sep 29, 2006
Just read this from Neil Gaiman's blog after a signing event for Frag… -
Wednesday Sep 13, 2006
Could someobody sell me some free time. ...please -
Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
Look out Brighton, here I come! Mwahahaha... -
Thursday Aug 24, 2006
In a week I'm moving from my tiny studio(it's like a closet with a si… -
Friday Aug 18, 2006
I'd like to eat your soul with a side of mixed fruit. Right now, … -
Saturday Aug 05, 2006
I think beautiful strangers have super powers. Besides extraordinary… -
Saturday Jul 22, 2006
I picked up the Wormwood comic. I quite enjoyed it. Very funny, and… -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
I love these guys. Always so funny. From the makers of Brokeback … -
Friday Jul 14, 2006
Listening to World Inferno/Friendship Society, and I've come to the c… -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
Something about Elliott Smith always makes me feel a little depressed…