Last night I went to see Mouth Sewn Shut and the Subhumans. My legs are sore, I can't hear anything, I can barely talk, I think I did something to my ankle, and I am still discovering new bruises. It was an intense show...god I love the moshing and the skanking. I was a little more drunk than I probably should have been. I spilled Guinness on the Mouth Sewn Shut Merch table when I bought a shirt. Right now I'm discovering how addictive this site gets(hours of entertainment between the boobs and the boards) as I should be reading a novel that needs to be finished by tommorrow night and writing a ten page story that must be done by noon. Then I need to start all the other work I have to get done by the end of the semester because I start working tuesday and that will eat up most of my school work time. I should probably stop putting off the inevitable.
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