So I was at c2e2 this past weekend. Pretty lackluster if you ask me. Last year's was much better. But I did get to ask CM Punk a question at the Q&A, met some fellow artists both local and otherwise, also got to chat with Neville Page, concept designer and FX master on movies like AVATAR.
and also a judge on FACE OFF. I told him I couldn't sculpt for shit and he told me about different computer software for 3D modeling. I also told him I was a struggling graphic designer/animator/film-maker/writer in Chicago who's is tired of waiting for opportunities to come here. He said if I really wanted to go out to LA to do it so I could be closer to people in the industry. I actually got some advice from a REAL industry professional and not just some other local artist like me. I've been planning on going back west anyway so I guess meeting him was a blessing in disguise. Anyway, I got to meet some of my favorite wrestlers, saw a cosplay contest, and attended a Jason Mamoa Q&A. So it wasn't a total loss :D Some dude sold me a 3-day pass which is worth $70 for $40. This is the year I can finally make some moves.