Went to Wizard World last night. It was meh Didn't see any SGs there and the Donald Stephens convention center SUCKS! Chicago comic con is not even IN Chicago but Rosemont. It was an ok venue but definitely not worth the hype. IMO C2E2 was better,and it was actually in Chicago. The after party was ok but Wizard World chicago is pretty overrated. I am looking forward to Austin comic con since I've never been to Austin and I might get to meet people from Spill.com there. On the plus side I did meet Michael Rosenbaum and Jon Heder at the after-party. Sorry, no pics of them, I didn't wanna bug them.
Here's some pics:

Jason David Frank (the Green Ranger) Q&A
more pics

the After party

Here's some pics:

Jason David Frank (the Green Ranger) Q&A
more pics

the After party

I love my Star Trek shirt! Thanks. 

There is a LOT of awesome going on... even if I can't hit the cons! And yeah, don't leave without saying goodbye or something...!