Whaere shall I begin? Shall I begin with the Gay&Lesbian xpo I went to last night, or the new printer I bought, or perhaps with the change of command at my job, maybe I should start with the the trip to the emergency room to visit my friend who overdosed on anti-depressants.
I shall speak of none of that thogh. To recount the week would be to much here. Needless to say it has been a long week and I am all tuckered out. I'm almost to tired to crank one out before bed, almost.
I'm going to watch The L Word now. Ativan, we shall discuss. It pleases me that you cared what had happened to me. I would have called you if I could.
I escape the gnomes to fight another day.
I shall speak of none of that thogh. To recount the week would be to much here. Needless to say it has been a long week and I am all tuckered out. I'm almost to tired to crank one out before bed, almost.
I'm going to watch The L Word now. Ativan, we shall discuss. It pleases me that you cared what had happened to me. I would have called you if I could.
I escape the gnomes to fight another day.
The sad truth to that is that people who preach like that & look down on others & condemn them for their beliefs & life style & such....almost always have more shit & more demons than the person their trying to take down!!!! Go figure!!!

No, I don't like Dana's new look! I liked the way she llooked before!