First vanilla coke, now I get my degree (I won my appeal)...

Just one more wish to be fulfilled and I'll have used up all three.

; )
Dear old kidnapper,

Please tell my blindfold that I miss her, and say hello to the ropes. I hope chair is doing well, too.


Kidnappee of '93


Uh, yeah. I'll write an official entry later tonight.


Much later,

Yesterday morning, I was sitting and waiting for the head of the English department to call me in for our meeting. There were two...
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i like this one though wink
when you get a chance i'd love to see a new painting x
You like depressed journal entries? No? Then don't read this one today. Come back in a few days.


(me) walked out of (me) last summer session exam on Friday night like a zombie. (me) eyes weren't blinking, (me) had no expression on (me) face, and (me) was taking (me) steps a little slower than usual. (me) was undergoing a simultaneous pull towards very aroused...
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1) i'm really sorry to hear that the damn university man is still holdin' my brothah down. that sucks and i feel for you. *chiquita perfoms karmic kick to the proverbial groin of the academic powers that be*

B) man, no joke, i've totally gotten such nuggets as you describe from insane yet brilliant homeless characters myself. once on a bus in seattle and once in a laundromat in tempe, az, among others. absolutely amazing. i hope your wait for such an encounter (if that is what you feel is desirous) is fruitful. in the meanwhile, what do the geese have to say? anything?

3) and lastly, a *hug* to you pal!

****for your enjoyment an embedded homage to chevy chase in caddy shack appears above! can you detect?****
I truly admire the way your brain operates.
Diaries are wierd things. But then so is ice cream if you think too much about it.


I figure I have to start reading H.P. Lovecraft with the next books I get. If I see one more Cthulu reference, I'm gonna start bawling.

And maybe some modern plays too. I have never read plays outside of school, but I figure I'm old enough now;...
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oh no space echo in this band... the one that played is my "buzzcocks" like band. I play bass. now my other project, now that you would hear a space echo in.

ps I saw online one time there was a play based on watership down... looked god awful
well dammit, Mr. Pathogen, you might have been right (but i haven't given up yet)! i put a stack of TEN saltines in my mouth (i got a big mouth), and it took me a minute 25 to get them all down... i was a little distracted by trying to photograph the event, though. and i think i'll have better luck next time-- i'm gonna go one cracker at a time...
; P
Since the beginning of last week, I've felt like a shit-heel in my personal life. Suffice to say, I feel awfully sorry for unintentionally hurting someone's feelings with some behaviour that even I have a hard time understanding.

At issue is this site and whether or not I ought to be here. MK, who I've been madly in love with for over 2 years, lives...
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soo....what compelled you to write about your personal situation on the very site that is causing the problem? i don't mean that to sound confrontational, but just wonder what good you think will come out of it...
Why did I say all that? Because MK reads this now (she accepts that I want to keep an online journal and that I seem to prefer this to blogger.com - and she says she really doesn't mind - but we'll see how this goes). Also, because if anyone else is had or is having similar issues because of this site, they'll at least see that it's not just them (provided they read this).
long time no update, huh?

I'll have a scorching expos on the "meanwhile" that you missed as soon as I can.

In the "meantime", fire up your VCR and rent an old foreign film that's not on DVD yet. That's an order.

ps. looks like I've disappeared off of people's lists. : (
yeah, why is that? i didn't remove you from mine, but you're gone... hope all is well. saltines this weekend!
I am plotting a dinner party for Thursday. My friend Hannah and me are going to do all the cooking and we decided to just make the meal as crazy as possible. The appetizers will be gyoza and cucumber-yogurt salad. It goes on like that. Later on there's going to be a tofu paella (don't ask, I don't know how I'm going to do it...
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yeah but 26-20 is different from 28-20. oh, and I should be turning 29 in november. I guess it doesnt matter, I listened, I made the move... shes hot, shes fun. I guess I shouldnt worry about the age thing, but its bitten me in the ass before.

yeah thats where I was thinking about getting the tattoo... but Im not sure... hrmmm
ok, enough about the dinner party. let's have an update, journal slacker! biggrin check out chiquita's profile pic. it makes me giggle.
Girlfriend is outlet shopping with her mother on the coast for the weekend. Oh bother. When the cat's away, the mice have to do work all weekend. And I have plenty that's been piling up in "wobbly heaps".

I haven't been feeling too well. Hopefully will soon.
Not feeling well? Could it be Mad Bowel Disease as well?
anyone ever mentioned that you look a little like a storm trooper ... (go you soldier of evil!) anyway, how's the painting going?
It's like this, cat.

You know my senior-level english prof sent from jupiter, who has three heads with spider eyes and fangs, and who eats tree moss fresh off the stump in the middle of the night? Today I learned he failed me because my final paper was "off topic". He gave my last paper a zero, and hence my grade for the class was...
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you have ALL my sympathy and then some. as a girl who has been in and out of academia for...um, a long time...(now working on ph.d)...let me tell you...FIGHT IT ALL THE WAY, BABY!

i've had some run-ins like that myself. and it's so frustrating because as "the teacher" they have the upper hand and it sucks. from where i am now, i've seen those that teach from their side of things, and while my pals are good and fair, i can so see the vast possibility for abusing the power, or even letting non-academic opinions and egos get in the way.

my freshman year english prof HATED me because i was more well-read and literate than him, plus he dated a girl in my dorm and i once called him by his first name in class. plus i was a idealistic, cocky young thing who put my feet up on my desk and spoke my mind and he DID NOT like me. so even though all my papers rocked and i did great in the class, the cocksucka gave me a "B." i fought it and eventually got my grade changed to an "A."

thus i say, fight the good fight!!! sounds like you have a great "case" so don't let them have the upper hand! i fully expect updates here luv! goooo pathogen!
Sorry, I didn't video the show - that would have been way too sketchy. As it was, they were checking bags for suspicious items. I attempted to do some audio recording but probably accidentally didn't hold the rec button long enough. I didn't realize this until the last song of the encore. So I only have one song that was recorded poorly (I wasn't using the right kind of mic). Now, I can't even find that MP3, but when I do, I'll email it to you.
I saw Road To Perdition. A good movie marred by a really awful narrative voice-over at the end. Anyhow, it was based on a good graphic novel, which was based on a classic Japanese comic series.

Lone Wolf and Cub, aka "the babycart assassin".

I remember reading this when I was a kid, when manga were still hard to find and only a couple of...
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you should get an email from the apple store today. They need an address for your new ipod. he he.

Spinich Dip? HA

Happy late bday!
atttn: Mr. Pathogen, and members of the world press:

A fuckwitted client's lack of organization has left Mr. Takora only 24 hours to complete a job that had been allotted a full week's work time. Due to this unforseen schedule change, Mr. Takora's still quite death defying stunt will be postponed until the coming weekend. Mr. Takora's organization thanks you for your understanding and your patience, and would like to remind you that there are still plenty of THE SALTINES OF DEATH 2002 t-shirts available for sale.