haven't updated in a while...
work, puppy, new girl....
it all keeps me pretty busy.
I broke as a joke thanks to lawyers, and ex wives....
But when I win the lottery I'll look back and laugh.
I saw CKY and Fireball Ministry Thursday night. Super sick show, they both played great.
That's it for now...
I'll return comments soon I promise...
work, puppy, new girl....
it all keeps me pretty busy.
I broke as a joke thanks to lawyers, and ex wives....
But when I win the lottery I'll look back and laugh.
I saw CKY and Fireball Ministry Thursday night. Super sick show, they both played great.
That's it for now...
I'll return comments soon I promise...

nice! new dogs ge tthumbs up. new g irls get two thumbs up, laywers, ex wives get three thumbs down. fuckers.
Glad things are going well for you. Well.....not the ex-wives thing.