OK here it is from the begining, well no the beginning, but close.
So I'm in the middle of a VERY messy divorce. I got the truck, she got the car. The truck was bought with a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC for short). So when I moved out I was paying half of the HELOC since my name was on it and I had the truck. The HELOC aslo consisted of all of HER creditcard debt, so it was close to being even.
Well then i come to find out the EX went on a $15K spending spee with the HELOC without my knowledge. So I froze the account, no more shopping sprees.
The Ex then decides that she is not going to pay her half of the HELOC (which has now grown to $75K). She informs me that I had better pay her half or my credit (as well as her's) would go down the drain. OK, fine. I paid it because I pretty had to to save my credit.
Then I got mad...Why the hell am I paying for her shit? So I paid one payment really late(less than 30 days) just to call her bluff.
So to retaliate, she stole my truck and has now hidden it. The police won't do a damn thing about it either. Since her name is still on the title I'm without an option...
except pay for a truck that I don't have and prolly won't ever see again.
So I'm in the middle of a VERY messy divorce. I got the truck, she got the car. The truck was bought with a Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC for short). So when I moved out I was paying half of the HELOC since my name was on it and I had the truck. The HELOC aslo consisted of all of HER creditcard debt, so it was close to being even.
Well then i come to find out the EX went on a $15K spending spee with the HELOC without my knowledge. So I froze the account, no more shopping sprees.
The Ex then decides that she is not going to pay her half of the HELOC (which has now grown to $75K). She informs me that I had better pay her half or my credit (as well as her's) would go down the drain. OK, fine. I paid it because I pretty had to to save my credit.
Then I got mad...Why the hell am I paying for her shit? So I paid one payment really late(less than 30 days) just to call her bluff.
So to retaliate, she stole my truck and has now hidden it. The police won't do a damn thing about it either. Since her name is still on the title I'm without an option...
except pay for a truck that I don't have and prolly won't ever see again.

I sincerely hope you've changed the locks on anything else she has or has ever had keys to...You have, right?
OMG! Fuck that. I couldnt even imagine going through anything like that. So......hope you can figure something out! I would die and wouldnt know where to begin.....