Last night we had our first show and it turned out really, really, really well.
Decent sized crowd for our first night and especially consider we were up against the freaking Oscars!
Everyone seemed to have a great time. The comedy was very enjoyable and most people (audience and performers) hung around afterwards to get drunk with us at our official after party (The World Parties).
I'm releived to have show #1 under my belt, but of course there is another show next week, so the pressure never truly lets up.
Oh and instead of a giant globe for my profile, I have actually put up a picture of my beautiful mug. If I get enough requests though, I'll put the globe back
Decent sized crowd for our first night and especially consider we were up against the freaking Oscars!
Everyone seemed to have a great time. The comedy was very enjoyable and most people (audience and performers) hung around afterwards to get drunk with us at our official after party (The World Parties).
I'm releived to have show #1 under my belt, but of course there is another show next week, so the pressure never truly lets up.
Oh and instead of a giant globe for my profile, I have actually put up a picture of my beautiful mug. If I get enough requests though, I'll put the globe back

I have plans this Sunday, but maybe the next?
Why don't I post an event in SGNY? Or would that annoy you?
when is your next show?