I have a hard time differentiating between myself and other people sometimes as far as criticisms go. I think of situations and I realize the other person I would be criticizing could say the same thing about me. But it would be under different circumstance.
Someone I know is about to get evicted. They haven't had a job in a month or two. They might lose in some other areas of life too if they don't straighten up. We could criticize this person and inform them that we aren't going to allow him to continue with us. He could then point the finger at me claiming I live with my parents with no job. Of course the difference in circumstance would be that: 1. I love my parents whereas they do not. 2. I'm going to college whereas they are not. 3. I live off of teaching guitar which is a job, which they do not have. 4. I also live off of student loans which I will have to pay for later. I am privelaged in that I overcome enough of my ego to get along with my parents. And I am privelaged for having the option to get along with my parents.
Of course this opens up another whole debate. I believe the majority (meaning 60% or so) of people that don't get along with their parents do not do it because they were abused or molested. They do it because they are unwilling to compromise with their life givers for love and aid.
The same line bit can be applied to how I think about women too. Sometimes I get paranoid that I want a trophy wife. But I have come to the conclusion that "trophy wife" is the most misused set of words in the human language since "donkey show".
From what I gather a trophy wife is a really hot chick that a guy marries to show off to his friends. First off, if my wife was that hot she'd never see my friends cause she'd never leave the bed. But I'm getting sidetracked. A lot of the time I worry I might meet the qualifications for this because I want my good friends to like whoever I date. My good friends are dearly important to me. Secondly I get criticized a lot by some friends that I shouldn't have dumped certain girls I've dated. So then it becomes the issue of should I settle for someone that really doesn't make me happy? Easy question. No I should not. Eh, now that I'm writing this it really is a stupid idea that I would want a trophy wife. If I was in love it wouldn't matter what anyone else thought. I know because I've been there before. Course I do suppose to reach that stage I'd have to stay with someone long enough for that to happen.
Actually I guess what this will eventually wind down to is the question of is love proprietary? Can I fall in love with anyone or does it really have to be someone in particular? Personally I subsribe to the particular theory. Oh well, enough talk of love.
Lines do tend to blur.
Anyway, new subject. I had some weird dreams last night.
The first was an old high school friend of mine, Rachel called me and wanted to hang out. We hang out and she announces to my delight that she wants to have sex. So the next part of the dream is spent trying to get her in a place where she would be willing to have sex. Sad part is I never get laid. Not even in my dreams.
Another dream was my sister's family moved to Iraq to live for some reason. And then the place they lived in started getting bombed. And so did Broken Arrow. It was armageddon. Giant boulders would hurled from catapults. It was interesting. Actually those run for your lfie destructive dreams are always fun to me. In reality this dream simply shows that I do not want my sister and her family to move to Dallas cause I think people will start throwing rocks at us.
Someone I know is about to get evicted. They haven't had a job in a month or two. They might lose in some other areas of life too if they don't straighten up. We could criticize this person and inform them that we aren't going to allow him to continue with us. He could then point the finger at me claiming I live with my parents with no job. Of course the difference in circumstance would be that: 1. I love my parents whereas they do not. 2. I'm going to college whereas they are not. 3. I live off of teaching guitar which is a job, which they do not have. 4. I also live off of student loans which I will have to pay for later. I am privelaged in that I overcome enough of my ego to get along with my parents. And I am privelaged for having the option to get along with my parents.
Of course this opens up another whole debate. I believe the majority (meaning 60% or so) of people that don't get along with their parents do not do it because they were abused or molested. They do it because they are unwilling to compromise with their life givers for love and aid.
The same line bit can be applied to how I think about women too. Sometimes I get paranoid that I want a trophy wife. But I have come to the conclusion that "trophy wife" is the most misused set of words in the human language since "donkey show".
From what I gather a trophy wife is a really hot chick that a guy marries to show off to his friends. First off, if my wife was that hot she'd never see my friends cause she'd never leave the bed. But I'm getting sidetracked. A lot of the time I worry I might meet the qualifications for this because I want my good friends to like whoever I date. My good friends are dearly important to me. Secondly I get criticized a lot by some friends that I shouldn't have dumped certain girls I've dated. So then it becomes the issue of should I settle for someone that really doesn't make me happy? Easy question. No I should not. Eh, now that I'm writing this it really is a stupid idea that I would want a trophy wife. If I was in love it wouldn't matter what anyone else thought. I know because I've been there before. Course I do suppose to reach that stage I'd have to stay with someone long enough for that to happen.
Actually I guess what this will eventually wind down to is the question of is love proprietary? Can I fall in love with anyone or does it really have to be someone in particular? Personally I subsribe to the particular theory. Oh well, enough talk of love.
Lines do tend to blur.
Anyway, new subject. I had some weird dreams last night.
The first was an old high school friend of mine, Rachel called me and wanted to hang out. We hang out and she announces to my delight that she wants to have sex. So the next part of the dream is spent trying to get her in a place where she would be willing to have sex. Sad part is I never get laid. Not even in my dreams.
Another dream was my sister's family moved to Iraq to live for some reason. And then the place they lived in started getting bombed. And so did Broken Arrow. It was armageddon. Giant boulders would hurled from catapults. It was interesting. Actually those run for your lfie destructive dreams are always fun to me. In reality this dream simply shows that I do not want my sister and her family to move to Dallas cause I think people will start throwing rocks at us.
I was going on the assumption that you are a little too busy right now with school