So since I'm covering up my last post from a few hours ago with the flyer for my upcoming show (Axis) I'm reposting at the bottom of this post too.
What ever happened to sci fi horror? I'm up late working on homework and preparing for a Physics 2 test tonight. I spend most of my homework time watching and rewatching movies so I don't go crazy with the hours and hours of calculations. I just finished watching Event Horizon (See! There is a train of thought here!).
Actually side from the Alien movies and Event Horizon I really can't think of another Sci Fi horror I've enjoyed.
Horror movies have really gone to shit over the years. Now that I'm older and have felt the thin thread of my life, the gore fests really don't go it for me anymore. How can I tell I'm old? Gore actually disgusts me now a days. When I was a teen it was all about the gore. When I was 15, it was Dead Alive, bloodiest movie ever made! Actually I still miss that on some level of cheese factor. I'm just so burnt out on the cheese. That's the other thing horror movies seem to be if they're not gorey. Cheesy. What happened to the mythology and mystery?
Hellraiser has always fascinated me for many, many reasons. Primarily the cenobites being such interesting characters and plot devices. And of course an old chinese puzzle box that is a door to some type of hell. Granted the series went downhill after part 2. There was a certain mythology to the movie though. The gore in the movie wasn't ridiculous like some Tarantino flick. There was just something in that movie. It didn't make you jump. It was simply dark and it told you little about these cenobites that appeared.
For a while I was fascinated with Japanese horror. It started with what is now called Ringu. I saw it about a year before the American one. It scared the crap out of me. The movie kept me in suspense. Mainly because I didn't know what the fuck was happening. The video wasn't creepy. It was just weird. There wasn't really any understanding. There was a lot more ifs in the movie than most people realize. A lot of people says its about a haunted videotape. Mostly. The first kids that die in the movie were in a car. Now granted the looks of horror on the dead's faces really sucked but eh, I like a movie that plays with my mind. In the book Sadaku came out of any reflective surface. And it was actually a hallucination. One of the main things that made the movie so eerie was the soundtrack. All that noise and scrapping sounds. The sounds makes a huge difference. The American version was a huge disappointment because of the lack of those sounds, among other reasons.
My fascination with Japanese horror led me to Ju-On, now known as the grudge. The Japanese version really is a million times more interesting. There's so much more story in it. It doesn't have as good of graphics or gore, but the story development is really what makes it so neat.
But I lost my fascination with Japanese horror. Why? Because like American horror I started seeing more bad Japanese horror movies than good ones. Uzumaki was absolutely terrible. And now all these Ring wanna be movies that have come out... It just needs to stop.
I don't have any interest in these new American horror movies. I've been told I'd like saw but the movie is centered around gore and I'm not into that anymore as I've already stated. I saw some excert from Saw 3 on the Spike awards and it looked pretty stupid. The Hills Have Eyes is popular among a few of my friends but mainly because its gore. I thought House of 1000 Corpses sucked ass! The only good part of the movie was the clown gas station attendant. I really want to cut Rob Zombie's wife's tongue out. I hate her laugh.
I did enjoy Silent Hill. I do not know if I would have enjoyed Silent Hill as much as I did if I did not absolutely love the games. Actually the Silent Hill games are the best thing to happen to horror, EVER. From the soundtrack to the visuals to the game mechanics, no one I know can do the game in the dark by themselves. The movie did a wonderful translation of the town on the big screen. The main difference between a typical game storyline and the movie storyline would be that 20 minutes of explaining in the movie. Hardly anything is explained in the games. I wish I could find a copy of the first Silent Hill. I originally borrowed it from a friend and beat it. I always meant to pick it up and now its rare to the point of costing more than it should. Actually I hope they do a remake of it.
I suppose in the grand scheme of things we only get a couple of good horror movies per decade.
So what horror movies do you, the reader, enjoy?

What ever happened to sci fi horror? I'm up late working on homework and preparing for a Physics 2 test tonight. I spend most of my homework time watching and rewatching movies so I don't go crazy with the hours and hours of calculations. I just finished watching Event Horizon (See! There is a train of thought here!).
Actually side from the Alien movies and Event Horizon I really can't think of another Sci Fi horror I've enjoyed.
Horror movies have really gone to shit over the years. Now that I'm older and have felt the thin thread of my life, the gore fests really don't go it for me anymore. How can I tell I'm old? Gore actually disgusts me now a days. When I was a teen it was all about the gore. When I was 15, it was Dead Alive, bloodiest movie ever made! Actually I still miss that on some level of cheese factor. I'm just so burnt out on the cheese. That's the other thing horror movies seem to be if they're not gorey. Cheesy. What happened to the mythology and mystery?
Hellraiser has always fascinated me for many, many reasons. Primarily the cenobites being such interesting characters and plot devices. And of course an old chinese puzzle box that is a door to some type of hell. Granted the series went downhill after part 2. There was a certain mythology to the movie though. The gore in the movie wasn't ridiculous like some Tarantino flick. There was just something in that movie. It didn't make you jump. It was simply dark and it told you little about these cenobites that appeared.
For a while I was fascinated with Japanese horror. It started with what is now called Ringu. I saw it about a year before the American one. It scared the crap out of me. The movie kept me in suspense. Mainly because I didn't know what the fuck was happening. The video wasn't creepy. It was just weird. There wasn't really any understanding. There was a lot more ifs in the movie than most people realize. A lot of people says its about a haunted videotape. Mostly. The first kids that die in the movie were in a car. Now granted the looks of horror on the dead's faces really sucked but eh, I like a movie that plays with my mind. In the book Sadaku came out of any reflective surface. And it was actually a hallucination. One of the main things that made the movie so eerie was the soundtrack. All that noise and scrapping sounds. The sounds makes a huge difference. The American version was a huge disappointment because of the lack of those sounds, among other reasons.
My fascination with Japanese horror led me to Ju-On, now known as the grudge. The Japanese version really is a million times more interesting. There's so much more story in it. It doesn't have as good of graphics or gore, but the story development is really what makes it so neat.
But I lost my fascination with Japanese horror. Why? Because like American horror I started seeing more bad Japanese horror movies than good ones. Uzumaki was absolutely terrible. And now all these Ring wanna be movies that have come out... It just needs to stop.
I don't have any interest in these new American horror movies. I've been told I'd like saw but the movie is centered around gore and I'm not into that anymore as I've already stated. I saw some excert from Saw 3 on the Spike awards and it looked pretty stupid. The Hills Have Eyes is popular among a few of my friends but mainly because its gore. I thought House of 1000 Corpses sucked ass! The only good part of the movie was the clown gas station attendant. I really want to cut Rob Zombie's wife's tongue out. I hate her laugh.
I did enjoy Silent Hill. I do not know if I would have enjoyed Silent Hill as much as I did if I did not absolutely love the games. Actually the Silent Hill games are the best thing to happen to horror, EVER. From the soundtrack to the visuals to the game mechanics, no one I know can do the game in the dark by themselves. The movie did a wonderful translation of the town on the big screen. The main difference between a typical game storyline and the movie storyline would be that 20 minutes of explaining in the movie. Hardly anything is explained in the games. I wish I could find a copy of the first Silent Hill. I originally borrowed it from a friend and beat it. I always meant to pick it up and now its rare to the point of costing more than it should. Actually I hope they do a remake of it.
I suppose in the grand scheme of things we only get a couple of good horror movies per decade.
So what horror movies do you, the reader, enjoy?

I miss reading your early-morning deeply-philosophical posts.