So I'm thinking about buying an Alesis Ion. Any keyoboard enthusiasts passing by want to give me an opinion?
More Blogs
Saturday Sep 09, 2006
So I was thinking I'd start talking about my history. We'll start wi… -
Monday Sep 04, 2006
I'm noticing there aren't too many long term girls on here. I suppos… -
Sunday Sep 03, 2006
Okay, okay. I'll post on a good day rather than a bad one. But then… -
Friday Sep 01, 2006
What can I say? I'm fucking depressed. No I don't do pills. I feel… -
Friday Sep 01, 2006
So the other night we broke into our old club. Its this big warehous… -
Friday Sep 01, 2006
So I just realized this is the perfect venting space. I don't have a… -
Wednesday Aug 30, 2006
It took me a while to find the blog link where I could actually post.…
I'm sure one of your professors has given you the speech about mechanical and electrical engineering actually being the same with the only difference being the physical components that you are dealing with. For me mechanical was easier because I can visualize water flowing in a pipe easier than charges flowing in a conductor.
Obviously I am still one day behind in commenting on your blogposts.