Procrastination is the name of the game! Sucks. I think I bombed my Statics test. I went out last weekend on Thursday and Friday and wound up sick Saturday and Sunday is band practice and game day so I kind of killed most of my study time. I have a Physics 2 test in a week and a half so I figured I'll spend most of tomorrow on that and hopefully do similar things during the week so I can ace that one. The Statics test wouldn't be as big of deal except that there are only something like 3 tests in that class. I got a B on the first one. This last one was actually pretty easy, I just wasn't prepared. Oh well, I know I at least got 20 points from the Moment projected on an axes bit. I really should look up how to do those problems. I might have done them right.
The main one that probably killed me was moving a couple moment and force vectors to a point which I know is some stupidly simple process and I just happened to have forgetten to review it at all so I didn't remember how. The other one I know I didn't do so well on was a problem you had to apply three different methods to find the answer. Part of it was distributed load, part of it was determing the tension/compression force, and the other part was determining the x and y components of one beam on another. I'm glad I'm and Electrical Engineer major. Kirchhoff makes more sense to me than moments.
Moments only make sense to me up to a point. In a 2D diagram, a moment would simply be the other dimensional force. In 3D... I have no clue what a moment is supposed to represent.
Well hopefully I at least got a C on the test.
Crap I have a test in Programming in C a week from Monday too! ARRRGGGHHH!!!
I'm so tired of school. Only 6 weeks left.... and then 3 more years...
The main one that probably killed me was moving a couple moment and force vectors to a point which I know is some stupidly simple process and I just happened to have forgetten to review it at all so I didn't remember how. The other one I know I didn't do so well on was a problem you had to apply three different methods to find the answer. Part of it was distributed load, part of it was determing the tension/compression force, and the other part was determining the x and y components of one beam on another. I'm glad I'm and Electrical Engineer major. Kirchhoff makes more sense to me than moments.
Moments only make sense to me up to a point. In a 2D diagram, a moment would simply be the other dimensional force. In 3D... I have no clue what a moment is supposed to represent.
Well hopefully I at least got a C on the test.
Crap I have a test in Programming in C a week from Monday too! ARRRGGGHHH!!!
I'm so tired of school. Only 6 weeks left.... and then 3 more years...