I really hate writing this but I think the comic book movies are going too far. That being said there are a couple coming out that I'm really excited about. So we'll start with the good ones.
Spiderman 3 I almost feel is guaranteed to be good with as well as Sam Raimi's done with the first two.
The 300 looks sooooooooooooooo badass! i'm ashamed I haven't read the grahic novel yet. I'm waiting for a comic week where nothing comes out that I want to buy it because its like $30 and that's a bit much for a book in my opinion. The movie looks gorgeous though. If you haven't seen the trailer I suggest you go to Quicktime.com and look it up.
Now the comic movies I think are bad ideas.
Thor. 'Nuff said.
Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. I suppose I should be happy they got the drunk part right. I've been attached to the idea of Johnny Depp playing Tony Stark since they suggested it in the Ultimates comic series.
Luke Cage. Looks likes it going to be like that Steel movie. Steel was a DC superhero who showed up impersonating Superman when Superman died briefly. They made a movie about this minor character starring Shaq. It bombed.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. The silver surfer and Galactus are badass to me as comic material mainly because they were so infinitely powerful and non-detailed personality wise and I read about these characters when I was a kid. A silver guy on a surfboard is a bad idea for a big screen movie. And a giant guy with a purple hat propotionate to the pope's is another big screen BAD idea.
Deathlok. One of my favorite superheroes. Human brain in a robot body. Ugly as hell. The comic was fun. There is no way it will translate to screen well.
The Watchmen. Arguably one of the best comic series ever written. It was a limited 12 issue series. There are tons, and tons of character development and detail in it. There is not way they can make a decent 2 hour movie out of it. All of Alan Moore's writtings have been butchered by Hollywood. The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen was an awesome comic. The movie sucked hard in comparison. Sean Connery's character was an opium addict in the comic because the character was always smoking opium in the books! I can't remember the guys name right now though. Nina was not a fucking vampire in the comic. Matter of fact she had no powers and led the team! But NO! Hollywood couldn't have a female without powers leading the League of Extrordinary Gentlemen. Hyde was insanely interesting in the comic! Again he wound up very bland in the movie. The twists in the book also had tons more buildup than the movie. The movie's twists were just kind of there with no foreshadowing or clues. Swamp Thing the movie was another butchering of a comic character Alan Moore wrote for a while.
Sin City 2. I would normally be excited about this but its supposed to have a brand new Frank Miller story in it. Have any of you actually read anything Frank Miller's written in the past 5 years? Its crap! Dark Knight Returns 2 was absolutely horrible! The first issue was interesting and then 9-11 happened and Miller lost all his writing ability from it evidently! The next two issues sucked! All Stars Batman sucks! I mean there are some entertaining aspects to the four issues he's managed to put out over the last year but for the most part its fucking stupid. Why is the Black Canary in it? Why is there a bar that requires women to dress as the Black Canary? Why has jack and shit happened in 4 issues? Frank Miller's old writings are wonderful! But I think now is the time he needs to stop and recollect himself as he's not writing anything decent. His Sin City short stories collection was rather bland as well!
Wonder Woman. Seriously. How can they possibly make this good? I loved Firefly and Serenity but I don't think Joss Whedon is up to even this task.
Yeah I'm a little prejudice against DC. I haven't found any of their monthly series interesting in a long, long time. Most of the stuff I like in DC are some of the big events or alternate future storylines they've done like Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come, and Identity Crisis. Normal continuity Marvel is almost as bad but not quite. I suppose it comes to what you want to read about. The old saying that DC is about the heroes in their capes and marvel is about the heroes outside of their suits rings very true most of the time.
Oh well. My comic rant is done.
Spiderman 3 I almost feel is guaranteed to be good with as well as Sam Raimi's done with the first two.
The 300 looks sooooooooooooooo badass! i'm ashamed I haven't read the grahic novel yet. I'm waiting for a comic week where nothing comes out that I want to buy it because its like $30 and that's a bit much for a book in my opinion. The movie looks gorgeous though. If you haven't seen the trailer I suggest you go to Quicktime.com and look it up.
Now the comic movies I think are bad ideas.
Thor. 'Nuff said.
Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. I suppose I should be happy they got the drunk part right. I've been attached to the idea of Johnny Depp playing Tony Stark since they suggested it in the Ultimates comic series.
Luke Cage. Looks likes it going to be like that Steel movie. Steel was a DC superhero who showed up impersonating Superman when Superman died briefly. They made a movie about this minor character starring Shaq. It bombed.
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer. The silver surfer and Galactus are badass to me as comic material mainly because they were so infinitely powerful and non-detailed personality wise and I read about these characters when I was a kid. A silver guy on a surfboard is a bad idea for a big screen movie. And a giant guy with a purple hat propotionate to the pope's is another big screen BAD idea.
Deathlok. One of my favorite superheroes. Human brain in a robot body. Ugly as hell. The comic was fun. There is no way it will translate to screen well.
The Watchmen. Arguably one of the best comic series ever written. It was a limited 12 issue series. There are tons, and tons of character development and detail in it. There is not way they can make a decent 2 hour movie out of it. All of Alan Moore's writtings have been butchered by Hollywood. The League of Extrordinary Gentlemen was an awesome comic. The movie sucked hard in comparison. Sean Connery's character was an opium addict in the comic because the character was always smoking opium in the books! I can't remember the guys name right now though. Nina was not a fucking vampire in the comic. Matter of fact she had no powers and led the team! But NO! Hollywood couldn't have a female without powers leading the League of Extrordinary Gentlemen. Hyde was insanely interesting in the comic! Again he wound up very bland in the movie. The twists in the book also had tons more buildup than the movie. The movie's twists were just kind of there with no foreshadowing or clues. Swamp Thing the movie was another butchering of a comic character Alan Moore wrote for a while.
Sin City 2. I would normally be excited about this but its supposed to have a brand new Frank Miller story in it. Have any of you actually read anything Frank Miller's written in the past 5 years? Its crap! Dark Knight Returns 2 was absolutely horrible! The first issue was interesting and then 9-11 happened and Miller lost all his writing ability from it evidently! The next two issues sucked! All Stars Batman sucks! I mean there are some entertaining aspects to the four issues he's managed to put out over the last year but for the most part its fucking stupid. Why is the Black Canary in it? Why is there a bar that requires women to dress as the Black Canary? Why has jack and shit happened in 4 issues? Frank Miller's old writings are wonderful! But I think now is the time he needs to stop and recollect himself as he's not writing anything decent. His Sin City short stories collection was rather bland as well!
Wonder Woman. Seriously. How can they possibly make this good? I loved Firefly and Serenity but I don't think Joss Whedon is up to even this task.
Yeah I'm a little prejudice against DC. I haven't found any of their monthly series interesting in a long, long time. Most of the stuff I like in DC are some of the big events or alternate future storylines they've done like Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come, and Identity Crisis. Normal continuity Marvel is almost as bad but not quite. I suppose it comes to what you want to read about. The old saying that DC is about the heroes in their capes and marvel is about the heroes outside of their suits rings very true most of the time.
Oh well. My comic rant is done.
I hope my son is ready to sit through the whole movie when Spiderman 3 comes out. I think he will since he loves Spiderman. He even watches Spiderman: The Animated Series on DVD at age 2.
I watched the trailer for 300. It looks pretty cool - neat effects.
Some of it reminds me of Underworld - Second Toughest In The Infants.