I think i may be calling it quits here on Suicide Girls....dont get me wrong, i love the beautifully unique women that grace the pages of the website, but i havent the time to dedicate anymore. I've met some amazing people on here, one of which has captured my heart. I'll think it ove and if i get back to you by the weekend, it...
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Are you staying ?
Yeah but i just somehow got my account back after 2 years and i just found out we used to talk. haha
Hello, life is still hectic, but calmed a bit. SonyBMG rocks. Oh yeah, i'm not allowed to have any kind of relationship with a certain someone with the exception of a platonic friendship. Yeah, i'll work on that.
I'll be back shortly, got some calls to make, some strictly platonic phone calls. Later.
I'll be back shortly, got some calls to make, some strictly platonic phone calls. Later.

Platonic friendships can still be fun... really, they can...
Sony does rock. Kick ass bands on that label...
We all know life is hectic. That shit never changes.
Remember. BEFORE YOUR 50!!!!!!
Talk to you soon, kid.
Sony does rock. Kick ass bands on that label...
We all know life is hectic. That shit never changes.
Remember. BEFORE YOUR 50!!!!!!
Talk to you soon, kid.


shit is wierd. life is wierd. i cannot account for why things happen the way that they do, but it sometimes makes you wonder why they happen. i myself am having quite the shitty week, or month of june for that matter. work keeps me on my toes, women keep me on my toes, and life in general is lived on my toes. i...
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shit is wierd. life is wierd. i cannot account for why things happen the way that they do, but it sometimes makes you wonder why they happen. i myself am having quite the shitty week, or month of june for that matter. work keeps me on my toes, women keep me on my toes, and life in general is lived on my toes. i...
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the real world is a harsh scarey place with the constant 9-5 routine poluting our little world. With every up and down there is a lesson learned, someway to shape who we become and taint us just a tad bit more... man I wish I had this epiphany when it came to my life.
But you are right not having anytime to organize and filter all the constant shit that is spat at us everyday is rough...
hope you find a little more time for you this week
But you are right not having anytime to organize and filter all the constant shit that is spat at us everyday is rough...
hope you find a little more time for you this week

Whats up all? Need to update, but not really in the mood. Gotta be on the road early for all the stores i hit up for the Sony job. 100 mile drive. Send me some love. I'll update soon.

::gives you all her lovin*:: have a safe trip sweetie

100 mile roadtrips are lame, but I will take one with you in your funny sounding import car in August, it should be awesome.
I've been so lazy to do this, i apologize to anybody who may care.....Sony is givin me a fuckin headache as i always have to be downtown now, and i never get a break to do all that i want to do. I promised myself and everyone else that i would never complain about getting the Sony job because it seemingly is my dream job,...
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dude.. stress and work. a classic combination. just let it all out haha. cherr up.. have a good one. look a funnie face ->

i just read a few of your old journal entries.. saw that you were at a 10 years/flyleaf show... @ the metro, per chance?!?1 i was there!! in fact, my ex-boy works for roadrunner, and he was there promoting medina lake. it was good times. i'm falling fast for flyleaf, i like them a ton. u know she threw her back out at that show?
hope to talk to you soon.
i just read a few of your old journal entries.. saw that you were at a 10 years/flyleaf show... @ the metro, per chance?!?1 i was there!! in fact, my ex-boy works for roadrunner, and he was there promoting medina lake. it was good times. i'm falling fast for flyleaf, i like them a ton. u know she threw her back out at that show?
hope to talk to you soon.
Hey everyone,
It's been awhile, and i've just been so very busy. I have at least 4 Sony shows to do soon, and i've been working my ass off at the other job. I just got UPS in, another 30 count box of cd's. Believe me, i'll never complain about this job, i swear. The band to mention is "AS FAST AS". They're on Octane...
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It's been awhile, and i've just been so very busy. I have at least 4 Sony shows to do soon, and i've been working my ass off at the other job. I just got UPS in, another 30 count box of cd's. Believe me, i'll never complain about this job, i swear. The band to mention is "AS FAST AS". They're on Octane...
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Thank you for the birthday wishes!!

did you find a vacation spot
Update time, but i have to make this quick as i have to get to UPS before they close to send out some Sony stuff:
I work my first show tonight, which is a Kittie show at the Pearl Room. Any Kittie fans out there?
Next week i work my first SonyBMG show (the Kittie show is a competetive show) which is gonna be Ten...
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I work my first show tonight, which is a Kittie show at the Pearl Room. Any Kittie fans out there?
Next week i work my first SonyBMG show (the Kittie show is a competetive show) which is gonna be Ten...
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i'll be back as soon as possible 

Woo journal appreciation!
For me, it's worth it. I've met a whole lot of cool people, most of which I had the opportunity to meet in person last weekend (see journal entry about SGAU ball).
But seriously dude, if you don't wanna pay the money for it, we've all got email addresses to keep in contact with.
Good luck at the show.
[Edited on May 20, 2006 11:45AM]
For me, it's worth it. I've met a whole lot of cool people, most of which I had the opportunity to meet in person last weekend (see journal entry about SGAU ball).
But seriously dude, if you don't wanna pay the money for it, we've all got email addresses to keep in contact with.
Good luck at the show.
[Edited on May 20, 2006 11:45AM]
I got my first package via UPS today. It's insane. I'm gonna be getting UPS everyday now, complete with posters, cd's, stickers, and everything else necessary to do my new job. It still hasnt really hit me that i work for SonyBmg. Such a surreal dream. All the hard work that i've put in the past few years has been for this.
Well, how's everyone...
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Well, how's everyone...
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So, what sort of qualifications did you need to get this job?
I'm doing a "music industry" course at the moment, and we're always investigating the types of pathways you need to get to certain careers.
I'm doing a "music industry" course at the moment, and we're always investigating the types of pathways you need to get to certain careers.
I've had a big enough problem even getting a job at a retail store. There is a monopoly on the stores where I live - one company, 2 chains, 5 or 6 stores. No variety. The majority of the employees are bubbly stupid girls with little to no knowledge or actual passion towards music, but are in the job because it's trendy, like it would be to work at a clothing store. I got a group interview once, and thought I blew them away, but still didn't get it. So I've given up on even shopping there, because they never have what I want anyway. Then there are 3 minor stores, all locally owned, but run by 1-2 people teams, and becuase they are local, they are small and don't have the money to have a large variety to attract a larger clientel, or to necessitate hiring other employees.
There are no opportunities where I live. I'm going to have to move.
There are no opportunities where I live. I'm going to have to move.
Hello to all......Update time,
Weds went very well, hung out with the Sony guys, hung out with Eighteen Visions (that was awesome), ate some Thai food with the Sony guys, hit up the local lounge, didnt get home until after midnite.
Thurs was cool, although i had to hit the train station early, and meet up with them at the House of Blues. We talked........
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Weds went very well, hung out with the Sony guys, hung out with Eighteen Visions (that was awesome), ate some Thai food with the Sony guys, hit up the local lounge, didnt get home until after midnite.
Thurs was cool, although i had to hit the train station early, and meet up with them at the House of Blues. We talked........
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woo! congrats, mister.
Dude, that's fucking awesome.
okay everyone, just a few hours away from the interview of my life. if all goes well, and i need it too, i'll be working at a record label in a few weeks. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, wish me luck. Send love all, i could use some love. Thank you, and i'll be back soon with a full status report.

i don't know why it cut off...
anyways, go!
love nicci
anyways, go!
love nicci

good luck!!
(which record label? my boy works for roadrunner)......
(which record label? my boy works for roadrunner)......
Okay, today is Tuesday, which means that tomarrow is Wednesday. Dinner with the big guy from Sony, then hanging out with the guys from sony at the Avenged Sevenfold/Coheed and Cambria/Eighteen Visions concert (also hanging with the bands which aint so bad). Thursday morning i finish up my interview with breakfast, so keep me in your thoughts everyone. I'm not at all nervous, but i'm...
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a7x just isn't the same without m. shadows screaming b/c of his vocal chord issues. it's weird seeing them live now.
Fort Minor isnt as bad as i'd thought. A bit to Hip-Hoppish, but over all very creative.
I recommend Bullets and Octane too.
I feel like an ass. Like i'm a really big asshole. I hate that feeling.
I'm sorry, you know who you are. I didnt mean to make it seem like you are the only one in the world i was talking about....
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I recommend Bullets and Octane too.
I feel like an ass. Like i'm a really big asshole. I hate that feeling.
I'm sorry, you know who you are. I didnt mean to make it seem like you are the only one in the world i was talking about....
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Shall check out Bullets and Octane..
I also finally got the Tool - Schism DVD single, and The Everglow by Mae. Went looking for A City By The Light Divided by Thursday but apparently this whole damn city is sold out of it. Gonna have to wait until Wednesday for new stock. So very inconvenient.
I also did a count and I'm up over 260 now. Still pretty small compared to you!
I also finally got the Tool - Schism DVD single, and The Everglow by Mae. Went looking for A City By The Light Divided by Thursday but apparently this whole damn city is sold out of it. Gonna have to wait until Wednesday for new stock. So very inconvenient.
I also did a count and I'm up over 260 now. Still pretty small compared to you!
I want to check out Bullets and Octane.