Tonight, I made my very own cereal bowl. It all started with last night... Ann and I decided that we wanted to go to the Ceramic Cafe that they have out in Grossmont Center. I got her a gift certificate for it for Christmas (Yeah, I'm a badass), and the time was now for the wholesome goodness of painting ceramics. I selected a giraffe while she picked out this mermaid figurine.. both a bit tricky to pull off. They were the type of things that you should technically take your time on, but we had only an hour before the place closed. So what did I do? Rushed it... and did a hippie-job painting the giraffe. I'll post pictures when I get it back from being fired next week. Ann refused to be rushed though, so she planned on coming back the following day, which was today.
I decided to join her... I got there earlier, so I picked out a cereal bowl for me to paint while waiting for her to show up and finish up her mermaid, which turned out quite badass. My bowl though... could use some work. It looks like a 5 year old painted it. I put a kokopelli on it and did lil swirly designs on the inside of the bowl. Hopefully it'll look better after being fired. Again, pictures to follow after we get them back.
Work has been okay lately. Yesterday flew by like cake, but today dragged on like no other. I'm exhausted quite a bit, but I'm sure it has something to do with all the damn junkfood I ate today.
And it seems as though I'm hosting a Hold 'Em poker get together this upcoming Saturday. Scott mentioned the idea on Sunday to me, and really.. it sounds like quality good times. He seems like he's in, along with maybe dragging someone along. Ann may be down for comin'. Steph dropped by tonight so I invited her along and told her to bring Bryan. I'm still working on Austin since he'd have to drive down from LA, but if he does.. I want him to bring his sex lady friend, Bre. My only issue is that it may be a bit too coupled off if we do it that way.. maybe a few oddballs need to be invited along, so I mentioned it to a couple guys from work. Options? 8 individual players, or 4 teams of 2. $10 or $20 buy in. Nothing too extreme. Anywho, it's just a passing thought. We can work with whatever we have. Yessir.
I just uploaded a couple pictures. Yup.
And now, I shall go sit naked infront of the TV and watch a John Cusack movie of my liking.
I decided to join her... I got there earlier, so I picked out a cereal bowl for me to paint while waiting for her to show up and finish up her mermaid, which turned out quite badass. My bowl though... could use some work. It looks like a 5 year old painted it. I put a kokopelli on it and did lil swirly designs on the inside of the bowl. Hopefully it'll look better after being fired. Again, pictures to follow after we get them back.
Work has been okay lately. Yesterday flew by like cake, but today dragged on like no other. I'm exhausted quite a bit, but I'm sure it has something to do with all the damn junkfood I ate today.
And it seems as though I'm hosting a Hold 'Em poker get together this upcoming Saturday. Scott mentioned the idea on Sunday to me, and really.. it sounds like quality good times. He seems like he's in, along with maybe dragging someone along. Ann may be down for comin'. Steph dropped by tonight so I invited her along and told her to bring Bryan. I'm still working on Austin since he'd have to drive down from LA, but if he does.. I want him to bring his sex lady friend, Bre. My only issue is that it may be a bit too coupled off if we do it that way.. maybe a few oddballs need to be invited along, so I mentioned it to a couple guys from work. Options? 8 individual players, or 4 teams of 2. $10 or $20 buy in. Nothing too extreme. Anywho, it's just a passing thought. We can work with whatever we have. Yessir.
I just uploaded a couple pictures. Yup.
And now, I shall go sit naked infront of the TV and watch a John Cusack movie of my liking.
You made cool ceramic things AND know what a kokopelli is!