It's been too damn long of a week.
So currently, everything is tuggin' along rather steady, which I dig. My truck is goin' again, I've been working nonstop, and not much has changed in the world of women. Erika (the gal from work) and I haven't gotten to hang out yet, but I'm suspecting that may happen sometime soon. And surprisingly, my friend Christina and I have been hanging out a tadbit more. I think we even had a "shared moment" which was interesting. Can anyone say Massage-Turned-Erotic? Nothing came of it really, but it was still one for the history books I reckon.
I suspect that for the next month, not a whole lot will be going on. In September, I have the opportunity to switch positions at work... going from a Warehouse Clerk to who knows what. I'm thinking a valet position might be fun, or somehwere up on the casino floor. We shall see how that goes though. I've been working 10 to 12 hour days lately, which means the overtime is rolling in.. so that's a grand thing.
Other than that though.... things are eventless. I think I'm going to go strip naked and sit infront of the AC now.
So currently, everything is tuggin' along rather steady, which I dig. My truck is goin' again, I've been working nonstop, and not much has changed in the world of women. Erika (the gal from work) and I haven't gotten to hang out yet, but I'm suspecting that may happen sometime soon. And surprisingly, my friend Christina and I have been hanging out a tadbit more. I think we even had a "shared moment" which was interesting. Can anyone say Massage-Turned-Erotic? Nothing came of it really, but it was still one for the history books I reckon.
I suspect that for the next month, not a whole lot will be going on. In September, I have the opportunity to switch positions at work... going from a Warehouse Clerk to who knows what. I'm thinking a valet position might be fun, or somehwere up on the casino floor. We shall see how that goes though. I've been working 10 to 12 hour days lately, which means the overtime is rolling in.. so that's a grand thing.
Other than that though.... things are eventless. I think I'm going to go strip naked and sit infront of the AC now.

Nekkid in the AC seems to be everyone's plan this week, myself included. Mmm, refreshing coolness...