...that you wanted to rip they're fucking face off. Every time I see this person, which is usually first thing in the morning, I instantly start to get pissed off and my whole day goes to shit. I hate to let these type of people get to me but this fucker has been pushing my buttons for almost a year now. First it started out by him talking shit everyday about me to the rest of the people in the warehouse. Then, he stated to bully me, like if we were in middle school or something. Bumping into me, pushing me, coming over to my desk and turning off my computer and putting stickers all over my computer screen, shit like that. But today was the last straw, he stood behind me grab me by the waist and rubbed his little pecker on my ass. Yeah that's right, out right sexual harassment. I turned around grabbed him by the neck slammed him into the shelf and proceeded to punch him in the face. This guy has to be gay or something, right? What I can't figure out is why he picked me. I mean, I know I'm sexy and shit but damn, try and control yourself. Anyway, the asshole is now fired and left work with a bloody mouth and a swollen eye. I'm not about violence but when you push me so far, the tiger is bound to get out of the cage. Is man on man sexual harassment more common that we know? I wonder how many men have to go through this on a daily basis?
Good thing he got fired. In my class there's this b*tch i really hate, also making stupid comments about me and talking behind my back. There will always be people like this :)
Yes there is @radical, we must not let them mess with our chi. Shake them haters off as they say. :D