Alright so here's what's going on in my world. The band I work with Thoughts Of Crossing is performing for the band contest Bodog Battle Of The Bands that's right! If you've seen the show, you know what I'm talking about. Fall From Grace won the million dollar contract. This is round one for the guys, so wish them luck!
They had a good show last week. I was supposed to see the Avenged Sevenfold concert last night, but couldn't because I had no ride over there.
If anyone wants awesome advice about love, life and relationships go here:
Relationship and General Advice Forum
it's a really well run forum and people don't bash on you or make assholish comments about your problems.
They had a good show last week. I was supposed to see the Avenged Sevenfold concert last night, but couldn't because I had no ride over there.
If anyone wants awesome advice about love, life and relationships go here:
Relationship and General Advice Forum
it's a really well run forum and people don't bash on you or make assholish comments about your problems.
remi: So we work for the same ppl pretty much. lol.