Hi everyone it was a really crazy day at work today in the retail biz. College students are coming home from vacation and starting school again. I'm really glad that I'm outta school and don't have to go thru that stuff again. One of the main maintenance people at work has been gone for 3 weeks, so I have to play catch-up with all of the cleaning and stuff. As for my mom she's still in the hospital. She reacted really bad to one of the medications that she was told to take and couldn't breathe. She doesn't really react good to a lot of medicines. She told me that she has fluid in her lungs and that her left heart valve is kind of leaking..YET the doctors still have no idea what is causing this.
See, I have a heart problem too. Last May around Mother's Day week. I fainted at work and got knocked out from hitting the concrete. I had Vasal Vagal Syndrome. A nerve from my heart to my brain got over-active and allowed no blood to get to my brain causing me to faint and on top of that I didn't eat or drink a lot that day either. Soo my heart was skipping beats every 2-3 mins and then kinda paused for a bit and then started beating again. Now I have to take heart medication for the rest of my life. *sigh* Oh well, as long as it keeps me alive, then I'm okay with that.
See, I have a heart problem too. Last May around Mother's Day week. I fainted at work and got knocked out from hitting the concrete. I had Vasal Vagal Syndrome. A nerve from my heart to my brain got over-active and allowed no blood to get to my brain causing me to faint and on top of that I didn't eat or drink a lot that day either. Soo my heart was skipping beats every 2-3 mins and then kinda paused for a bit and then started beating again. Now I have to take heart medication for the rest of my life. *sigh* Oh well, as long as it keeps me alive, then I'm okay with that.
You work with Thoughts of Crossing? Awesome. I work with John by day, and I got to see those guys at the Veishea Battle of the Bands this year. Are you the guy who's mixing their CD?