So we finally get on the road to start tour.. the first show was in oakland california. nobody showed cause there were riots literally down the street. So that sucked. our second show went alot smoother. But the third show, one of the guys from the other band was complaining about stomach pains, they took him to the hospital, possibly appendicitis. so hopefully hell be alright. Were canceling our next show due to lack of promotion, a sick member, and a nice day off. Some good news.. we got some new merch, 2 new designs and a hoodie, im excited to put those out there. They are only available at shows. So youve gotta come out to get them. If your interested in comming out to one.. PM me and ill get you in fo free. LOL. Here they are....
In other news, im still single, and im not gonna lie, ive been putting myself out there, ive really been trying. Maybe too hard. Ive been trying to meet new peeps, pretty much anyway i can. Im usually pretty shy, but im trying to live outside my comfort zone. Thats how hard ive been trying. But i think im kinda giving up, it seems that anytime i try, i get nothing, and even when im not trying, i still seem to get nothing. hahaha i donno i guess you could say im a hopeless romantic. but hey, i cant stand to meet people at say a bar, or something similar. Just isnt my style.
Im gonna post some pictures that i took straight from my phone. They turned out really good. I like to take pictures of scenery, guess im a hippy at heart. Im also gonna post Halloween pictures, and even a few randoms. Hope you enjoy.
the hoodie!!
now some pretty scenery!
this ones sideways... sorry
these are my favorite!!!!
heres a cute puppy... not mine tho..
HALLOWEEN!!! I was a clown, not a good idea for a concert.. too hott.. but i had cartoon hands!!!!!
and lastly, how about some peeps that i think are hella good looking!!!
first ones obvious.. Megan Fox! its almost unfair.. haha
olivia wilde
Andean so freakin pretty
LaneyChantal Dreamy Gorgeous, I love this picture
Too many pretty women.. lol
anyway... wow that takes along time to do.. i dont think ive ever taken that much time on a blog.... haha
thats alot of work.. lol i donno how some of you do it... mad props to those who do..
how about some of my favorite things on this planet....
cute things
lucky and good vibe