At midnight I'll be 27.
When I was a kid I worshiped the likes of Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Janice Joplin. and even a little bit of Kurt Cobain. I loved who they were in their short yet brilliant lives. The pure creativity and life they possessed which radiated like a blazing fire inspired me to create. Yet, I couldn't help but notice an eerie coincidence that linked them all. They all died at age 27.
I was pretty young then. Maybe 16 or 17, but that is when I decided that if I had to choose what age I wanted to die, it would have been at 27, so I never would have to get "old" just like the musicians I looked up to. I often joked saying that was when I would end it all.
Of course my outlook on life is considerably different now. I've changed who I am at the core more times than I can count. I've given up on making music since then. And most importantly I'm no longer struggling with depression, which led me toward suicidal tendencies in my youth. I'm a completely different person from the girl I was ten years ago.
I've heard it said that in the Tarot, the death card can signify new beginnings. Perhaps this decision made a decade ago may have some significance. I feel as if I'm on the cusp of something. I've been walking through life so far without ever looking toward the future. I can't say I have a lot to show for it. I have had two marriages that I simply walked away from, I still haven't earned a college degree, and I have a ton of abandoned canvases stuffed away never to be seen by anyone. I'm not regretful at all about these things but I'm realizing now that I need to start doing things right for a change because life actually doesn't just end at 27.. I've never had the drive required to get off my ass, but I'm feeling it now. This is where things finally change. Once more I'm becoming someone different. This is a metamorphosis that I've sensed in myself growing more and more over the past nine months, and with this new awareness and with the help from those I love, I know I will accomplish so much.
Now I'm off to finish a painting that I'm insanely frustrated with.
Wish me luck.
...Is it can be caek tiem now plees?
When I was a kid I worshiped the likes of Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, Janice Joplin. and even a little bit of Kurt Cobain. I loved who they were in their short yet brilliant lives. The pure creativity and life they possessed which radiated like a blazing fire inspired me to create. Yet, I couldn't help but notice an eerie coincidence that linked them all. They all died at age 27.
I was pretty young then. Maybe 16 or 17, but that is when I decided that if I had to choose what age I wanted to die, it would have been at 27, so I never would have to get "old" just like the musicians I looked up to. I often joked saying that was when I would end it all.
Of course my outlook on life is considerably different now. I've changed who I am at the core more times than I can count. I've given up on making music since then. And most importantly I'm no longer struggling with depression, which led me toward suicidal tendencies in my youth. I'm a completely different person from the girl I was ten years ago.
I've heard it said that in the Tarot, the death card can signify new beginnings. Perhaps this decision made a decade ago may have some significance. I feel as if I'm on the cusp of something. I've been walking through life so far without ever looking toward the future. I can't say I have a lot to show for it. I have had two marriages that I simply walked away from, I still haven't earned a college degree, and I have a ton of abandoned canvases stuffed away never to be seen by anyone. I'm not regretful at all about these things but I'm realizing now that I need to start doing things right for a change because life actually doesn't just end at 27.. I've never had the drive required to get off my ass, but I'm feeling it now. This is where things finally change. Once more I'm becoming someone different. This is a metamorphosis that I've sensed in myself growing more and more over the past nine months, and with this new awareness and with the help from those I love, I know I will accomplish so much.
Now I'm off to finish a painting that I'm insanely frustrated with.
Wish me luck.
...Is it can be caek tiem now plees?
Enjoy 27 and the rest.
27 is a great year