I don't think I'll ever get tired of this song or video:
non-shitily compressed version here
Life is strange these days. Ever since i got back from L.A. everything about it has been different. It's as though I've returned with a shiny new life and tossed the old to the side.
So much happened in the past few weeks that until I just now though about it, I didn't realize how short of a timespan most of everything has occurred within.
I'd go into more detail about everything but right now I've feeling a bit scatter-brained and I'm supposed to go hang out with my new hair guy in a few moments and my clothes smell like tunafish because i spilled the tuna water from my lunch all over myself. Go me!
But I met this "hair guy" at an all-night party the weekend before last (which i could have sworn it was like a month ago) and for some reason we started talking about hair stuff while there, and before i knew it he's offering to be my new stylist. Because of this I'll be going through a very drastic hair change in May. Ironically enough I'm stealing the style idea from a character named Mayday. She's drawn by an extremely talented artist whom I know online This is his site: Red Bear Dead
Of course after I have it done I'll want to shoot a new set for SG. Does anyone know of any amazing photographers in Florida who might be willing to help with that? Or even if it's just some regular TFP work otherwise, I'd be happy. I would just like to get a new set into SG because I still haven't submitted anything in a very long time.
Ah well. Time to get ready.
non-shitily compressed version here
Life is strange these days. Ever since i got back from L.A. everything about it has been different. It's as though I've returned with a shiny new life and tossed the old to the side.
So much happened in the past few weeks that until I just now though about it, I didn't realize how short of a timespan most of everything has occurred within.
I'd go into more detail about everything but right now I've feeling a bit scatter-brained and I'm supposed to go hang out with my new hair guy in a few moments and my clothes smell like tunafish because i spilled the tuna water from my lunch all over myself. Go me!
But I met this "hair guy" at an all-night party the weekend before last (which i could have sworn it was like a month ago) and for some reason we started talking about hair stuff while there, and before i knew it he's offering to be my new stylist. Because of this I'll be going through a very drastic hair change in May. Ironically enough I'm stealing the style idea from a character named Mayday. She's drawn by an extremely talented artist whom I know online This is his site: Red Bear Dead
Of course after I have it done I'll want to shoot a new set for SG. Does anyone know of any amazing photographers in Florida who might be willing to help with that? Or even if it's just some regular TFP work otherwise, I'd be happy. I would just like to get a new set into SG because I still haven't submitted anything in a very long time.
Ah well. Time to get ready.
its gonna look tres awesome on you