ok so not like I was ever very good at keeping up with this blog shit anyways but I haven't posed in forever too much going on where to start...I am no longer the person who asks you all the dumb questions when you show up I am now the person in charge of the people asking dumb question whoop whoop!!! I have 10 clinics with 53 employees talk about a lot of work holy shit! But lets get real here you don't get anywhere in life unless you are willing to work your ass off for it, figured that one out at 15 thank god I am a quick study...I had an employee (while off the clock at our local brewery) ask me how did you get this kind of job at 30? I said well I am only 28 so I am not sure what your talking about LMAO I have been busting my ass with this hospital for 5 years and before that I busted my ass as well so don't know what to tell your grumpy underachieving 50 year old ass pick up the slack and smile pretty while you do it cause you aint going nowhere sad but true I would have been way nicer but the chick has been giving me and others shit for so long it is seriously getting old and it felt fucking good to get it off my chest not sure how well it will go at the office but fuck it she's a short timer now anyways. In other good news we are finally making progress on our house after 6 months of red tape and jumping through various county fire ringed hoops life is going good power and propane are are ran in the trailer, we will be digging the septic and house foundation next week hallelujah lord praise Jesus and all that happy horse shit man what a fucking shit fest it is when you don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to grease mother fucking political palms sorry ranting a little here I know but you have no idea how much this suuuuccckkks. Also yes hmmmm I think I posted this already but I don't care... I got engaged give it another whoop whoop lol God I love my red headed Montana mountain man best thing that ever happened to me there wedding is next Sept been looking at some shit and holy crap is this shit expensive I am now trying to talk him into the justice of the peace then kick ass honeymoon not sure its going to work but a girls got to try. Also amazing thing Fall is in the air here in Montucket holy crap you can taste it, my favorite season fuzzy sweaters, wood smoke, hot coco and leaves of all colors. Anyhooo thats it for now folks don't know how much more of my own yapping I can endure
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