I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday and I have to say it went a lot better then I expected it to but man they cut up the corners of my lips like you wouldn't believe its so gross I have scabs and bruising looks like I was assaulted, apparently even with the meds they give you for conscious sedation I was not happy about some one working on my teeth. The best part of the whole thing was just about making a lady throw up out side the drug store while picking up my meds. My gauze was soaked with blood and my mouth was full of it I didn't want to swallow any more of it so I started spitting it out and it was all chunky gooey stringy and just sick lol so there I am leaning out the car door spitting all this out and I can hear this gagging but I can't look up cause I have this long string of gooey blood that I cant cut off my fiance started laughing and the gagging got worse then I heard "Oh my god how gross look at her" and I started laughing and man did that hurt but I couldn't stop. I must have looked really crazy sitting there blood everywhere laughing half choking on it cause its so thick. lol my fiance said a woman two cars over got a look at me and just started loosing it then her kids saw me and freaked I am surprised no one called the cops in this little town of mine.

Thanks so much!