So my mountain man has returned to climbing cell towers his favorite profession. Every year as soon as it gets truly crappy out he starts climbing very tall ice cold sticks for fun I just do not get it. And it has really started to look like winter here its beautiful really. We got about 4 inches of fresh snow not that much really it...
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I havent been on in a while dont have internet access in the little trailer we are living in while we build our house honestly I dont really miss it with all I have to do however I definitely missed this site. Fall has hit & is gloriously full blown in vibrant array of reds, oranges and golden yellow I do not honestly remember any...
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ok so not like I was ever very good at keeping up with this blog shit anyways but I haven't posed in forever too much going on where to start...I am no longer the person who asks you all the dumb questions when you show up I am now the person in charge of the people asking dumb question whoop whoop!!! I have 10 clinics...
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I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday and I have to say it went a lot better then I expected it to but man they cut up the corners of my lips like you wouldn't believe its so gross I have scabs and bruising looks like I was assaulted, apparently even with the meds they give you for conscious sedation I was not happy...
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Yeah I remember the fun I had when getting mine taken out, it was pretty nasty, luckily I also had major jet lag so I passed out for 8 hours afterwards. But I do remember the mouth full of blood and being able to gross people out.
I really appreciate the lovely comment you left on my new set!
Thanks so much!
Thanks so much!
I have been reading the book Cell by Stephen King an author I love for his vivid details I have always been able to form a real life version of his books in my head look at the story from every angle and really see whats happening just like you would a movie and although this book is not any where near his best work...
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we are god and evil......
We finally got our septic approved last Thursday and we're working on the CAT this week to get it going so we can dig the septic and foundation. I am actually starting to feel the changes that are happening in my life and it feels good! But the trailer is still totally fucked it has leaks everywhere cant figure where they are coming from the...
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Sounds awesome, hope that all works out well. 

The Bitterroots are still covered in snow and probably will be until the end of June with the snow fall we had this year its the coolest thing in the world when its 70 out and there's snow on the mountains!!! The sun is shining and its amazing out finally, we had a rough winter but spring is finally here. I cant wait to hit...
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I have always been torn about Mothers day, I like a lot of people out there had a really shitty child hood when I was four my mother married a psychotic abusive alcoholic & had three kids that neither of them really wanted. she finally left my stepfather when I was 13 then my step father died when I was 15 and amazingly enough left...
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This has been an odd couple of weeks full of self discovery I am in love with one of the most incredible men ever and he asked me to marry him...and I said yes (this is only surprising if you know me well and you don't which is kinda the point) I never thought I would get married shitty child hood and all that normal...
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Its a very nice dress!
Congratulations on your wedding to be.
I have never heard of Hillstomp. But I hope they can play at your wedding too.
I have never heard of Hillstomp. But I hope they can play at your wedding too.