the question i pose to anyone is. is being jealous a way to show your way to care or away of control? and if it is a way of control is it wrong or right? or is a sign of love and caring? is being absolutely in love good or a bad thing because if it is bad i'm screwed! to love is it a creation of miss leading faith in someone or a true way to live? if anyone nows the answer tell me
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Saturday May 21, 2005
hey world i hope today goes well today is my gradution party and i ha… -
Monday May 02, 2005
man today fuckin suxed i talked to my x girlfriend and once again she… -
Wednesday Mar 30, 2005
the hate i feel for myself is alot but why do i walk alone when i wan… -
Thursday Jan 06, 2005
the question i pose to anyone is. is being jealous a way to show your… -
Thursday Jan 06, 2005
the question i pose to anyone is. is being jealous a way to show your… -
Thursday Jan 06, 2005
the question i pose to anyone is. is being jealous a way to show your… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
hey whats up today world thanks Anarcha for the comment man living in…